Part 2 Chapter 14- Mask

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(⚠️TW Panic attack, Seizure, blood, sensory overload, confrontation )

I opened my eyes, feeling Wilbur shift underneath me. I sat up slowly, "Oh, I'm sorry did I wake you?" He asked gently. "Nah, I'm good" I responded realizing that that answer didn't quite make sense in relation to his question. I made a confused face, "T-that didn't make sense did it." I said. Wilbur chuckled shaking his head. "Not quite" he said, I shrugged, leaning back against the couch. I looked down realizing that his pants were now soaked from my hair, "Oh, I-I'm sorry" I said gently. "That's okay," he said reassuringly. I smiled and leaned back. I looked down to notice my hands were shaking, "Hm, that's weird." I said quietly. But, apparently not quiet enough because I watched as a few people's eyes widened, noticing as I held out my shaking hand. I quickly pulled it back under the blanket. Quackity leaned forward on the couch like he was preparing. "Can you-" I began to ask. Quackity stood bolting to my room then back out and into the kitchen grabbing my water bottle and landing on the couch after passing it to me. The group collectively laughed and wheezed. "Thanks." I said simply. I took a few sips but realized that I had thrown up my medications. "Shit" I muttered to myself realizing that since there was still a little bit in my system I couldn't take it until tomorrow. But, thankfully nobody noticed. 

As the group continued talking I was thinking. I had thrown up my anxiety and my seizure medication. Meaning that they would both be most likely worse. But I could push through, I'd be okay. Right? Yeah, I had Leo. I would be fine.

After awhile Dream suggested that we should go to the store to get Quackity's shoes if I was feeling up to it. I nodded, figuring I'd be fine if I went with Leo. So, once everyone had gotten themselves together we entered our respective cars and made our way to the stores. Leo in a simple yellow guiding harness since I was still shaky and sore from my seizure.

We climbed out and entered the Walmart, our large group, of course, earning a few stares. But, one stare was different than the rest as the group dispersed to get the different things they wanted or needed, Wilbur, Dream, George and I remained at the front. An employee stomped towards us angrily. "Identification?" She asked. "What?" I said backing away as she got towards my face making me shift uncomfortably. "Your dog, I need a certificate if it's a service dog." She said with her hands on her hips stepping closer. I flicked at my fingers, a stim I did when I was upset or overstimulated. The group took this into account and George quickly stepped between the two of us facing me and walking me away from the angry woman as Dream stepped forward.  I could feel my chest tighten while George talked calmly trying to minimize my anxiety. "Hey, Hey, Tommy, don't worry you're okay I've got you. Dreams got it covered okay? Here, come sit down." He walked me over to a bench by the entrance with his hand on my lower back to prompt me forward. I shook my head aggressively facing down, trying to show that the contact with my back was making it worse. He pulled his hand away, "Better?" He asked. I nodded. We sat on the bench, Leo jumping on my lap. But I was suddenly extremely aware of the uncomfortable texture of his harness. I pushed him from my lap, shaking my hands. "Tommy what's up?" He asked leaning to look at me. I squeezed my eyes shut, the lights seeming blinding. "Tommy, I'm not sure how to help you." He said honestly. "Sensory overload." I said simply. "Okay, do you want to go outside?" He asked. I nodded standing. "Can you open your eyes for me?" I shook my head aggressively. "Leo will follow you" I said. "Alright" he said. "Leo, follow." I said simply. Leo began pulling me forward, the now extremely loud sound of the sliding doors hitting my ears. I clenched my teeth continuing with the sound of a shopping cart also flooding my ears. Leo promptly stopped. "Tommy?" George said. I slowly opened my eyes. We were now standing outside the building in the dimming light. "S-sorry" I mumbled out, "Why're you sorry?" He asked. "Because I didn't mask, you think I'm crazy." I said quietly. "Tommy, have you been doing that the whole time?" He asked gently. I nodded. "You don't have to act when you're around us Tommy. We care about you, the real you" he said firmly. I nodded with my head still down. He grabbed my shoulder, making me look up with a bit of panic in my eyes, making him pull away slowly. "Tommy, tell us if something makes you uncomfortable. Tell us the truth, the whole truth." He said in the same slightly firm tone. "Okay" I said as I let my shoulders slump a bit. I looked around. The noises seemed a bit quieter and everything seemed much more bearable. "I'm ready to go back inside." I said calmly. 

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