To Live and Let Go

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Summer's POV:

It's been three months since Jack broke up with me. I've barely gotten out of my bed, other than when Andy comes around. He's such a sweet guy, trying to cheer me up, but I'm ashamed of myself and there's nothing I can do to make things right. Jack finally answered his phone last week and let me explain everything, but it didn't make a difference. I made a mistake, and there's no redeeming it. Usually when I'm having problems with Jack I'd ask Alex for help, but I burned that bridge too.

Today my best friend is getting married! I'm so thankful that I had dinner with him last night, now I know we both made the right choice. He looked so happy, I watched as he spoke with Jack across the room. I was gonna tell Jack when I got back home last night that I want to marry him, but I feel like I should tell him the news in some sort of romance movie way, he always enjoys that. I checked my makeup in the mirror once more and in the corner of my eye saw Melody walking towards the boys. Last I checked, Mel wasn't invited to this wedding, what is she doing here? I turned towards them and started to slowly walk closer, I stood frozen in place when I saw Jack's face drop. Next thing I knew Alex was knocked out on the floor and Jack rushed towards me.

"We're done Summer! I want you out by morning!" He screamed and stormed off.

I rushed after him, tears blurring my vision. I stopped him before he could open his car door. "Jack, what did she tell you? I'm sure she got it all wrong." I pleaded.

"Did you or did you not go to Alex's hotel room last night?" He asked.

"Yes but it's not what you think. I swear! Please just let me explain, this is all just a big misunderstanding." I begged.

"If you have to say "it's not what you think", then it probably is what I think. Isn't that what you said to me once. Goodbye Summer." He got into his car and drove away.

That night Andy and Elena came into town and helped me get my belongings. I could barely speak so they kind of threw a bunch of things in boxes and we drove off to Elena's apartment with them. Last month I moved into my own one bedroom apartment and I still haven't unpacked those boxes. Andy had some free time today so he said he would come over and help me with them.

The intercom for the buzzer went off, I went over to the switch and buzzed him in. I looked over in the mirror and realized I was still in my pyjamas so I went into my dresser and threw on a sweatshirt and a pair of shorts. I put my hair back into a ponytail and opened the door for him.

"I brought refreshments!" He said cheerily and set coffee onto my counter.

"Thanks but I'm okay." I said and closed the door.

"Come on Summer, you need to start moving on with your life. And we're gonna start with unpacking those boxes." He grabbed a box and opened it with a knife from the drawer. Inside the box were framed pictures of me and Jack in high school. There were pictures from prom night, from their first gig, and then there was the picture Jack took of us on the day he asked me out all those years ago. I started to tear up as I looked at our ridiculous teen angst hairstyles and his sweet goofy smile. Andy must have seen that I was becoming overwhelmed because he snatched the photo from my hand and put it back into the box. "Let me get a different box."

After about two hours of rooting through boxes I was finally unpacked. It felt like I had finally given up on the possibility that Jack and I would get back together, but I'm not sure if I'm truly ready to do that just yet.

"Summer." I rubbed my eyes awake and turned to Andy. "I know you must be feeling a lot right now but you're not alone so I'm here for you, whatever you need." He said and I embraced him in a hug.

"Thank you for everything."

I felt him kiss the top of my head. "No problem." We released from our embrace. "Grab your jacket, we're getting out of here."

Andy held my hand as we walked the streets of Los Angeles. "So what's new with you?" I asked and he scratched the back of his neck.

"Well I've been doing a lot of writing recently so you can expect a new album by the end of the year. I'm also single now."

"Oh I'm so sorry, what happened if you don't mind me asking?"

"I don't think it was anything in particular. I think sometimes life gets in the way and we start to prioritize other things and sometimes it's for the better, and I think this is one of those times. That's also why I didn't want to reschedule today. My name wasn't on the lease of the apartment and for the past week I've been staying at my bandmate's apartment, but I was wondering if it wouldn't be too much of a trouble-"

I cut him off. "We'll get your stuff after dinner."


I chuckled, "Yeah, it'll be nice to not be alone with my thoughts all the time. But you have to do this one thing for me."

"What is it? I'll do anything." He asked.

"You have to relive our musical theatre days tonight. We will not sleep until we get through all of the songs."

"Just Phantom?"

"No I'm talking all the musicals we were in. That includes Guy and Dolls, and Cabaret."

"Fine but that means I'm choosing dinner."

"That works for me."

We picked up some tacos and headed back to my apartment. What I didn't expect to see out my door was Jack and Alex.

"Do you want them here?" Andy asked me.

I handed him my key. "Why don't you head inside, get the living room ready." I said and he nodded and went inside. "How did you find my address?"

"We went to Elena's apartment." Jack said. He looked shocked and almost out of breath.

"And when she refused Zack told us. But now that I think about it we should have called or something." Alex said.

"No it's okay. Anything I can help you with?" I asked, unsure of what to say. I mean what could I say? They showed up outta the blue and they aren't exactly talking. I looked down at Alex's hands and noticed he was poorly trying to hide a book that looks an awful like my journal. "Is that my journal from high school in your hands?"

"Yes, sorry! You see I was trying to figure out something and-" I cut Alex off.

"And you couldn't just ask? Instead you chose to go through my personal belongings and invade my privacy?" I crossed my arms.

"You're not exactly the most open person." Jack stated.

"And you are? If you've read my journal then you know just how many times that I have wanted to communicate with you and you denied me. And where did that lead us?" I asked.

"I wish I could go back and be better to you, but you have to admit you have given me reason to question your loyalty. You hooked up with two of my best friends." Jack stated.

"Both times when we weren't together Jack. So what did you come here for?" I asked.

"I came here for you, because after everything we've been through and have done to each other, I still want you. I still love you." He tried to walk closer to me, but I took a step back.

"Is love enough? I still wake up every morning wishing you were next to me but then I remembered the last time we spoke and I question whether wanting each other is enough. There's a problem that's gotten between us for so long and you've enabled her to do so."

"So what do you want me to do?" Jack asked.

I walked up to him and placed my hands in his. "It isn't enough to love each other, we have to choose each other everyday or else we have nothing. I want you to pick me Jack, just as I asked all those years ago."

"You want me to just kick her out of my life? She's been my friend for years."

I dropped my hands to my sides. "Then I guess you made your choice." I said and went into my apartment, locking the door behind me.

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