Remembering Sunday

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Alex's POV

Summer headed inside her apartment and I watched as Jack's face dropped. He turned to me, "What do I do?" He asked.

"What do you mean? You heard her, that's the only way to get her back. Why wouldn't you do that for her?" I asked.

He took a deep breath, "I met Mel before I met you, I can't just abandon her." He said.

"Can't or won't?" I asked and he shook his head. "I just don't understand."

"I need to get some air." He said and walked out.

I knocked on her door until it opened. "What do you want?" Andy asked.

"Jack got to say his piece, but I didn't." I stated.

Summer came up to the door and motioned for me to come inside. I did and they both sat down on the couch. "Are you gonna sit?" She asked and I sat in the recliner. "You already interrupted theatre night so say your piece."

"I'm so sorry that I invaded your privacy. I should've just asked you." I said and she nodded.

"Yes you should have. Apology accepted." She said.

"And I'm sorry that I lied to you."

Her brow furrowed, "When did you lie to me?" She asked.

"We went out for dinner and I acted like I was okay with us being just friends, but I wasn't. I think part of me was relieved when Jack broke up with you and Lisa left me. But I read your journal and I realized that you're in love with Jack and you have been for a very long time."

She chuckled, "I have no idea how I feel anymore, but thank you for your honesty. I should apologize too. I lashed out on you after Jack broke up with me, when I should've lashed out on him for not believing me."

Andy stood up, "I don't know about you too, but I'm really tired so I'm gonna go crash if that's okay?" He asked and she nodded. He turned to me before entering the bedroom, "You hurt her and your dead, okay Alex?"

"Understood." I stated. He saluted before closing the door.

Summer turned to me, "You want some wine? I think I might still have some in the cabinet." She asked.

I scratched the back of my head, "I don't know if that's a good idea, Jack's gonna be back in a few minutes."

She sighed, "You're probably right. Can you try to explain to me why it's so hard for him to give up Mel?" She asked.

"I'm not really sure. They've known each other even longer than I've known him and they were each other's first loves. When they dated things got really toxic. She cheated on him and manipulated him, he wasn't the best to her either." I chuckled to myself and I could see the confusion written all over her face. "Sorry I just remembered what lead to them breaking up. It was the first party Jack threw and they were fighting the entire time. Eventually they went up to his room and lost their virginities to each other and then she broke up with him because afterwards he wanted to continue partying instead of cuddling with her." A giggle escaped her lips, "There's that smile."

"He never told me that. And they haven't slept together since?" She asked.

"That is correct. So I've got to ask; what are you gonna do if he comes back and the answer is no?" I asked.

"I will give him back the promise ring he gave me over a decade ago and move on." She stated. I looked down at her hands, she's still wearing it after all this time.

"And if he does cut Mel out of his life, you'll marry him?" I asked.

"I'm not sure. There's still so much that he hides from me, I need to learn to trust him again." She patted the cushion next to her, motioning me to join her on the couch, so I did. "Earlier you said that you weren't okay with being just friends, does that still stand true?" I nodded. "Then why are you trying to get me and Jack back together?"

"Because if we were meant to be together, then in high school our little canoodling would have lasted much longer than it did. Whatever happened between you two, every time you would find each other again. I just want you to be happy Summer, even if you're not with me." She embraced me in a hug.

"We did have a lot of fun for a few months. I still remember the night that we built the pillow Fort."

"And there was that freak storm so you told your aunt that I was safer if I stayed."

"And we watched The Wizard of Oz and Singing in the Rain."

"And you fell asleep on my chest. You snore."

"Says the guy who sounds like a Tyrannosaurus Rex."

Then there was a knock on the door.

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