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I woke up blissfully in bed, and for the first time in three months I didn't wake from a nightmare, bathed in heavy sweat, and shaking. I washed up and put on some sweats. I've been procrastinating packing for tour because my mind never can escape her. I cooked up some eggs and bacon for breakfast, and opened up the next entry in the notebook.

Summer's halfway through. I don't know whether I should be glad or feel horrible. At home is my friend Elena, and my brother, Elijah, who was born yesterday. But out here is Beck and Jack. I've been hanging out with Jack a few times this month and I think I get what Beck was saying. He's fun, and honest, and kind. I haven't exactly spent any time with the other guys, but maybe it's because I still feel embarrassed about my first night in town. Jack keeps trying to ensure me that everything's cool, but I just can't believe it.

Thoughts have been circling in my mind. Has Zack told anyone what happened that night?

He didn't, I'm certain of that.

And if so, is that why Jack's been hanging around me so much? Because he thinks I'll put out? I stopped myself from even continuing that thought. Jack's my friend, and a good one if I may say so. He's been nothing but kind to me over these weeks. He's taught me how to do scales and play the four most used guitar chords. He takes time out of his day to call me. And sometimes he ditches his best friends for me. I think I might really have feelings for Jack and I'm terrified, but at the same time I'm excited. I've never had a boyfriend before and I'm starting to see that maybe one day Jack could be that to me.

I heard the doorbell ring and I ran upstairs to answer it. However, no one was there, but there was a box left on the welcome mat with a note attached. I read the note aloud. "Welcome to the water gun war. We are hiding throughout your yard right now. There is an empty water gun inside the box. You must fill it up and return to the yard at once. A failure to do so will result in us tping the house. Good luck Blue." I rolled my eyes and picked up the box, closing the door behind me. I filled up the gun and went to the backyard. They were hiding in the front so I knew I could sneak up on them. I could see that Jack and Rian were hiding near the gate, but I stayed quiet and listened closely to their conversation.

"So what's the deal with you and Summer?" Rian asked Jack.

"What do you mean?" Jack asked him.

"Don't think I haven't noticed. You've been sneaking off from band practice to go see her."

"She's lonely, it's not like she knows a lot of people around here. I'm her friend, Rian."

"If you were just her friend, you would have brought her to band practice or out to hang with us, but you haven't. You have a thing for her and knowing that Zack and Alex feel the same, you've been keeping her to yourself."

"What a conspiracy! I brought you guys today, didn't I?"

"I'm just proud to be the one to bring you two kids together."

"Okay Rian."

I stopped listening and decided to take action. So he doesn't feel the same or does he? It was just too confusing so I shot at them, breaking up the conversation.

"Dammit, she found us!" Jack said.

"That's cause she cheated." Said Rian.

"And how did I cheat exactly?" I asked.

"You shot from the backyard." Rian said.

"The note said to stay within the yard and I'm pretty sure the backyard is apart of the yard." I said and blasted at them again.

Her Name Was Summer Where stories live. Discover now