Something's Gotta Give

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Summer's POV

I got to my feet and answered the door, there Jack stood in the doorway. Without a word, I let him inside.

"Jack, I changed my mind. Don't cut Mel out of your life for me, that wouldn't be right." I said and his expression softened. "I mean you two only dated when you were kids, and so I think that you should explore whatever leftover feelings that you two share for one another." Alex's eyes widened and I could tell he was holding back a chuckle.

Jack's eyebrows furrowed, "No Summer, I came back up to tell you that I'm gonna cut her off, I'm all in." He stated and crossed his arms.

"The problem is that I can't believe you until I see for my own eyes that there is nothing left between you two. She has gotten between us so many times, we've lost trust because of the lies she fed you. She has very strong feelings for you. I'm not sure where you stand with her, but I need you to figure it out before we can ever talk about us again." My eyes began to water but I knew that I had to hold back my tears.

He took my hand, "Is that really what you want?" He asked.

I shook my head, "No but I want you to be happy even if you're not with me. And I want to start to be happy again, even if it means that I have to move on from you. I think we both deserve that." I stated and let go of his hand.

It felt strange looking at him. I remember that feeling of passion and love I used to feel but now feelings of loss and sadness follow.

Jack turned to Alex, "You coming with?" He asked.

Alex cleared his throat, "I think I'm gonna hang back for a little while, just to talk." Alex said and Jack nodded.

He turned back to me, "Goodnight. I'm gonna call you tomorrow if that's okay?" He asked.

I hugged him, "It's always okay." I said.

He smiled as we released from our hug and left. I let out a small sigh as I closed the door.

"So what made you change your mind?" Alex asked and got up the couch and started going through my pantry. He grabbed two glasses and poured some red wine, and handed me a glass.

We both sat down on the couch again. "Every time I talk to you things become clearer. For years I've been fighting with Jack about Mel, I shouldn't have to fight so hard."

"Well I'm glad I can be here for you again." He said and smiled. It's funny, when I look at him I still see that sweet boy I met in Baltimore when I was 16. "So I've gotta ask, what's Andy doing here?"

I sat up, "Juliet and him broke up, and he needs somewhere to stay. Honestly I give it a month, those two love each other too much to never get back together."

"Okay good."

I raised my brows. "Did you think I was seeing Andy? More importantly, were you jealous?" I teased and he smirked.

"Yes, I would be very jealous." I blushed a little.

I had always told myself that Jack was my person, my forever. And for the longest time I think I truly believed that. I think I believed that so strongly that I cut off the very possibility of anyone else being my forever. But as I sit here with Alex, I feel my heart race like it used to and my palms get all sweaty. I've known for a long time that I've loved Alex but not in the way that I loved Jack. And yet I'm sitting here in front of Alex, wanting him to grab me and kiss me.

"Three months ago it felt like the light was ripped out of my life, that my heart was torn up to pieces and there was nothing good left in this world. Andy has visited me every week and tried to cheer me up and make me smile, he's been a really great friend." I said and took a large gulp of my wine.

"I think I would've felt the same way if it hadn't had been for you."

"What do you mean?"

"After Jack punched me and walked out on you, you came back inside. You put a cold napkin to my eye and you kept whispering that this was all your fault. When I told you it wasn't your fault you said; "falling for you was my fault". And the part of me that was supposed to be falling apart, it didn't because it was too busy trying to understand what made you fall for me."

I stood up. "A week later I freaked out at you and blamed you for my longest relationship failing. And that's why you took my journal." He nodded.

"I was going to ask you, but I could tell that you resented me and I was fixated on knowing the truth. I didn't get to it though."

"It was when we were at the cabin."

After my fight with Jack, I had spent my entire day with Alex in his room. It was now nearing midnight and I needed to decide whether I was going to go back to my room where Jack was probably on the phone with Mel or if I was gonna stay the night in Alex's room and deal with the consequences. I realize I'm putting my relationship with Jack in jeopardy, but what he's doing to me kills me. What could be so important that he's been calling Mel everyday? He's cheating on me, there's no other explanation. Alex had spent the entire day trying to distract me from my worries rather than enjoying the summer sun with our friends. He's been so sweet especially lately, I'm just so thankful for him.

"You're my favourite person and all but you know I need my beauty sleep." He joked. "Are you staying in here tonight?" Alex asked and my smile faded.

"I don't know. If I go, I'm telling him it's okay to continue cheating on me. But if I stay then he'll think that I'm cheating on him." I said and crossed my arms.

He got up from his bed and went into his drawers pulling out a shirt and a pair of sweatpants and placed them on the bed. "Change into these, I'll be back in a few minutes." He said.

When he returned I was wearing his clothes and he was holding a plate of cookies and a couple glasses of milk. "You're the sweetest person I've ever known." I said and smiled.

He sat down in bed with me and handed me a cookie, "Eat up, you haven't had a thing since breakfast." He said and I did.

"I guess I wasn't that hungry earlier." I said and took a sip of milk.

"Summer, I really need you to hear me out when I say this. Jack is my best friend and you're probably my favourite person in the world, but it will not be the end of the world if you two decide to call it quits. Jack is your first love, but that doesn't mean he's your last, and I need you to make me a promise. The minute that you know that you're not good for each other anymore, end things with him, that goes for any guy, because you will regret not doing so in the long run."

"I promise."

"And I don't know... in that moment I started to see you as something more than my boyfriend's best friend." I stated.

"So when did you know that we were no longer good for each other?" He asked and I sighed.

"When the secret started to cause you to have anxiety attacks."

"It was stupid that we kept it a secret." He said.

"It was necessary... maybe if things were different."

He placed my hand in his. "I mean, we're not seventeen anymore, things are different now."

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