We Say Summer

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Saturday, December 27th of 2003 is when the guys flew into New York. I was excited and very nervous. I didn't want them to think differently of me when they arrived. My father managed to find a lot of success in his life. He is the CEO of his own company, and he has a beautiful lawyer fiancé named Claire. Claire is kind to me, sometimes more kind than my own mother, and she has a daughter named Jill. Jill is one year younger than me and we get along as if we were actual sisters. Sometimes I wish I could stay with my dad all the time, but my mother wouldn't allow it because she'd rather see how upset my dad is when I have to go. She hates him, she's hated him for sixteen years, and she hates him because of me. He knocked her up and was willing to go the distance, but she couldn't stand him after what was done.

I had texted Jack the address and I prepared their rooms. My dad owns an apartment with three floors. The first level is mainly living space, the second is where my father's bedroom and Jill's bedroom is, and the third is where my bedroom is along with two spare bedrooms. My dad was a bit nervous when I first asked him if the guys could come up for a week, but every time he watched me smile at my phone just pushed him more and more to say yes.

When they finally arrived, I was wearing:

When they finally arrived, I was wearing:

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"Blue!" Jack said as he ran in. He swooped me up into his arms and kissed. As we released he looked at me and said; "You dyed your hair. How am I supposed to call you blue when you don't have blue hair?"

"Well you could call me something more endearing." I suggested.

"And what would that be?" He asked.

"Well I don't know, maybe... my name." He nodded and kissed me again.

I heard someone clear their throat and I backed away from Jack. "Alex, Rian, Zack!" I squealed. I pulled them all into a hug. "I'm so glad you guys could make it! You're going to love New York just as much as I do by the time your stay here is done."

"It's a nice place you've got here. When were you planning on telling us you were loaded?" Rian asked, making me chuckle.

"My dad's loaded, not me." I stated.

"Where's he at by the way?" Jack asked.

"My dad and Claire went out for the evening, it's actually their anniversary. But Jill's here so you can definitely meet her." I said.

"Who's Jill?" Alex asked.

But before I could give him an answer, Zack said; "Let's ask questions after we set this crap down."

We went up the elevator to the third floor and I showed each of them to their rooms. Zack and Alex decided to bunk together leaving Rian and Jack to share a room. Alex set his bag down and then joined me in the hall.

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