So Wrong, It's Right

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On our way back to the apartment, Jack and I stopped off at a Walgreen's to pickup some ice cream. I had my pint of cookie dough in hand, but Jack was still deciding between Rocky Road and Mint Chocolate Chip.

"So Christmas is next month... got any plans for the holidays?" He asked and I smirked. He knew what my plans were, they're the same as they are every year.

"You know I'm flying to New York to be with my dad, and Jill and her family. This will be his first Christmas without Claire." I stated and he nodded. "Do you have any plans?"

"Not really... I mean I'm sure there will be plans but I've always spent Christmas with you so it feels kind of strange."

"Yeah I can't remember the last time I wasn't with you during Christmas... I don't have plans for thanksgiving either so if you're down maybe we could do something lowkey that day? Like a movie day?"

He gave a warm smile, "Yeah I'd really like that. And I'll bring Chinese takeout and cheesecake for dessert."

"Way to sweet talk a woman." I said and he chuckled.

He grabbed the rocky road ice cream from the fridge and said, "I'm pretty sure you're the only woman that kind of talk would work on."

"Umm you could say that to any woman and I'm sure she'd be pleased."

"But I wouldn't say that to any other woman."

Jack paid for our ice cream and drove back to my apartment. When I got there I immediately changed into my pyjamas and when I came back to the living room Jack had taken off this jacket and tie, and unbuttoned the first few buttons on his shirt.

"You know I still have your old pair of sweatpants you gave me a couple of years ago. You know the ones?" I asked.

A couple of years ago Jack and I went on vacation and while we were out shopping I got my period while wearing bright blue skinny jeans. My jeans were ruined and there was no hiding it so Jack rushed me to the closest restroom and bought me pants at the closest store. He wanted to get me sweatpants so I'd be  comfortable, but the only pair in the gift shop were a men's large. He bought them and brought them to me, I tied the drawstring of the pants as tightly as I could to my waist and he ended up getting me some chocolate and flowers later that night.

"And I'm sure I have a baggy shirt in my dresser as well." I stated.

He smiled, "Okay, lead the way Blue." He followed me into my room and I went through my dresser to find an old baggy tshirt for him. "This is a nice apartment by the way."

I smirked, "It was the best I could find under a month." I stated and handed him a Rolling Stones shirt.

"I handled things like a jerk, I should've pulled you aside and talked about it... instead I blew up."

"I haven't handled jealousy much better either... I'll pick out something to drink while you change." He nodded and I excused myself from the room.

I went through my liquor cabinet and pulled out a bottle of wine, I poured two glasses and brought them into the living room. Jack came out just as I was setting up My Fair Lady onto the TV.

"And here I thought we'd be watching Roman Holiday or Breakfast at Tiffany's." He said and took a seat next to me.

"Those are next on the list, don't you worry." I said which made him chuckle.

We ended up getting super drunk halfway through and dancing while slurring I Could've Danced All Night. He swung me in his arms as if I was lighter than air, and not once did he shift his eyes away from me. This was my Jack, looking into his eyes I saw a glimpse of the boy I first met and fell in love with. After the song ended we just kind of smiled and stared at each other.

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