The City Comes Alive, When We're Together

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The party my father threw was absolutely amazing, but it all was over too soon. Jack and I have been dancing for the last hour, and after Moonlight Serenade was finished, he pulled me away before the next song. He took me into the elevator and hit the third floor button.

"It's not midnight yet." I stated.

He kissed my forehead, "But it will be. Do you know what a kiss on midnight on New Years Eve means?" He asked and I shook my head. "It's a blessing on a relationship for the new year. Now think about what we're about to do, that's way more than just a blessing."

"Should we be doing this Jack?"

"I love you, Summer. I'm sure that you already knew that, but I've never actually said the words. You're leaving tomorrow and we won't see each other till Spring break. I want to show you how much I love you."

"Are you sure that fornication is the way? I love you too Jack, but maybe we should wait."

"If that's what you want. Either way I'm dying to get out of this monkey suit." He said as the elevator doors opened.

"I thought you liked the suit." I said as we walked into my bedroom.

"It was great at first seeing as I look so studly and all, but after awhile it becomes restricting and hot."

I went into my closet to grab comfy clothes. "I know what you mean. This dress is so heavy and a few hours ago it began to give me a rash on my arm." I said and walked back to Jack. I turned around and he pulled down the zipper on my dress. It sent tingles down my spine and made me feel warm.

"Thanks." I uttered.

"Midnight is in five minutes, got any resolutions?" He asked as he began unclothing himself. He got down to his boxers and then hopped into the bed. Part of me was say 'fuck it, let's do this.' But the other part of me got super nervous.

"None, what about you?" I asked as I began taking off my dress.

"Make every moment last." He said as he got up and helped pull the dress off of me. "Stop me whenever you start to feel uncomfortable." He said and then started kissing down my neck.

I put the book aside for a second, "Did you two have sex that night?" I asked Jack.

He crossed his arms and smirked. "Read on and I'm sure you'll find the answer to that question." He said.

I skipped ahead a couple pages...

We both were gasping for air as we laid back onto the mattress again. "So, how was your first time?" Jack asked, making me chuckle.

"What do you think?" I curled up into the side of his body.

"You are so beautiful, how did I get this lucky?" He asked.

"How did I get this lucky." I asked.

He kissed my head, got up and disposed of the latex before returning to bed with me. "Move to Towson."

"Jack, you know I can't do that." I stated, thinking of all my prior commitments.

"Just think about it for next year." I nodded.

And I did think about it, for months actually. I couldn't help but feel like my life would be a whole lot better if I lived with my aunt. So I sat down with my mom and then the decision was made for me. "No.", was the only word that escaped her mouth. I couldn't begin to understand her reasoning. She hates me, yet she wants me to live with her. I called Jack later that night and he told me that the day he arrived in Cincinnati, he would try to convince her otherwise. However, that didn't end up working. It seemed to only make matters worse. The concert was great though, but the next night was my opening night.

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