A Love Like War

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My eyes slowly fluttered open and I could instantly feel my hangover headache beginning. I heard a bang from outside my room, I quickly sat up and turned to my right, but Jack was not here. I slowly got up and listened at the door.

"You need to get yourself under control. Do you think Summer wants someone in her life that's gonna lash out like this?" That was definitely Jack's voice, but who was he talking to?

"And what, do you think she wants to be with you? You've been a terrible partner to her since day one, and you ended things with her without even trying to hear her side. She's so much better off without you." Oh my god, Andy's here.

"Do you think I don't know that? I know that I don't deserve her, but I'm trying to be better for her. And that means protecting her from you."

"You think I'm gonna hurt her? That's rich coming from you."

"You came in here and punched me Andy, she doesn't need to be around that. Just take your stuff man and go. She'll talk to you when she's ready." Jack said.

"Fine but I hope everytime you look at those hickeys on her neck, you remember just how replaceable you are." Andy yelled and then the door slammed.

I slowly opened my bedroom door and found Jack in the kitchen holding an ice pack to his eye. I sprinted over to him, "Oh my god, did he do this to you?" I asked and he nodded. "I'm so sorry Jack, this is all my fault."

He put the ice pack down and held me, "This isn't your fault... he was drunk and upset, and who knows what would've happened if I wasn't here with you."

"About what he said..."

"I know you hooked up with him, and I don't care about that. I care about you."

I picked up the ice pack and wrapped it in a kitchen towel, then handed it back to him, "You should lie down, I'll bring you coffee and breakfast." He kissed my forehead and returned to my bedroom.

I looked around my apartment and noticed that all of Andy's stuff was gone. The glasses and spoons from last night were washed, and the ice cream containers were in the recycling. Did Jack get up early and clean my apartment? I put the coffee machine on and took out a carton of eggs. I ended up making scrambled eggs with bacon and toast and brought them into the bedroom. Jack sat up as I handed him some coffee.

"Did you clean my apartment?" I asked and he raised his eyebrows.

"Well there wasn't much to clean, just thought I'd tidy up our mess from last night. I also put Andy's stuff together at the door because you said you asked him to find somewhere else to stay."

"You didn't have to do all of that." I stated and he shrugged. I handed him his plate. And sat next to him to enjoy mine.

"I know you said we weren't ever getting back together but last night it definitely didn't feel that way."

I sighed, "You're not wrong... everyone around me has been telling me to focus on myself lately and I don't know how to do that. It's impossible for me to not focus on you guys, you've been in my life forever and to not take chances or make decisions regarding any of you just can't be done. And so the past couple of days I've been pushing people away but you saw how unhappy I was last night before we got here. I'm so used to planning my life around someone else that I don't know how to plan it for myself. Like if we hadn't met and fell in love would I even be in LA? Or would I be in NYC on Broadway or something?"

"There's nothing wrong with planning your life around someone else as long as it's making you happy and it's with the right person, but I do agree that you should try to figure out what would make you happy on your own. Like if you want to do theatre out here, what's stopping you? A lot of the time you work from home, so you could make it work. And as for cutting people off, please don't let me be one of them."

"At this point I don't think I ever could. I decided a long time ago that you were my future, and so now I just don't know what the future is without you."

He placed his hand over mine, "Even if you think we shouldn't be together, I'm always going to be here for you. We were best friends before we fell in love and I don't ever want that to change. And although I want you to take me back, I don't expect that. At the end of the day I just want you to be happy."

"I think I just need some time to get to know you again, and you to get to know me."

"I 100% agree."

I sat up straight, "Okay we'll take this one step at a time. Let's see how thanksgiving goes and we'll take it from there."

He placed his hand over mine, "Sounds good Blue."

After breakfast Jack got dressed and we said goodbye for the day. I do want to see him again before thanksgiving but I know that the wait will be worth it in the long run. But he was right, and so is Elena. So I texted Elena to ask for the play schedule and I started working on all of my work assignments to get ahead of my deadlines. I do like my job, but I miss being involved in theatre. Those memories from my childhood will be cherished in my mind forever. Thanksgiving is only three weeks away, I can make it three weeks.

After watching my favourite movies Jack passed out. I should've told him, I need to tell him, why didn't I just tell him? I got up from bed and headed upstairs to free my mind. Beck was in the living room watching tv while folding laundry. I sat down and joined her on the couch.

"Who's car is in the driveway?" She asked.

"It's Jack's, he's downstairs passed out." I stated and continued to stare at the tv.

"So what did he say when you told him you're pregnant?" She asked and I sighed.

"Nothing because I haven't told him." I crossed my arms.

Beck turned off the tv, and I still didn't turn to face her. "So what are you dating both guys to see who'd be the better father?" She asked and I immediately turned to her, furious.

"How could you ever think that? I broke up with Alex today which just about broke my heart. And I was gonna tell Jack but-" she cut me off.

"But what?" She asked.

"What if he leaves me? Today he has been really amazing and I don't want to scare him off. I don't want to do this alone Beck." I stated and she began rubbing my back.

"That kid loves you, and I know you probably don't feel that way about him anymore, but he is the father and you have to risk losing him if you want your baby to grow up with his dad."

"I didn't stop loving him, I don't think I could..."

"Then tell him."

Her Name Was Summer Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora