Hit The Lights (Tribute To A Night, I'll Never Forget)

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Two weeks. I have been with Jack for two weeks. Summer ends in two weeks. And it's time for me to make a decision on what is to happen within the next year. Do I continue with this new and passionate relationship with Jack, or do we call it quits because of distance? It's hard because I like him a lot, but this thing between us will have to simmer down before it ends in even more heartbreak. I don't want things to end yet, it's only just begun, but long distance tends not to work out well, which is absolutely devastating. But that's real. That's the reality we live in. It's time to make a choice.

... Well right now isn't really a good time to have that talk seeing as we're at Alex's house. He decided to throw a party and Jack dragged me along. I'm really not up for the party scene, I prefer something small and simple among close friends. But Jack loves parties so I agreed to come; however, I don't see him anywhere.

"Hey, I haven't seen you around." A girl said as she approached me. She had blonde hair with pink streaks. She was taller than the average girl, about Zack's height, and she had a septum piercing. "My name's Melody, but everyone calls me Mel."

"Summer." I smiled. She picked up two red cups and raised them as if she was asking if I wanted whatever concoction she was going to fill them with. "Sure." I said, which seemed to make her very happy. She poured some beer into both cups and handed me one.

"So did you just move here?" She asked.

"No, I wish. I'm staying with my aunt for the summer." I stated.

"Oh your Beck's niece!" She said excitedly.

"Does everyone know Beck?" I asked, and she nodded.

"And that also makes you Jack's latest victim. Tell me, have you two done the dirty yet?" She asked which took me by surprise. I mean we've only just met and she's asking if I've done it with my boyfriend yet. I guess she could see that question made me a bit uncomfortable because she said; "Sorry, that was rude of me to ask, we barely know each other."

"It's fine really, we haven't done it though."

"That's good though, waiting. It means that you're smarter than most of the girls in this room."

"I just feel like I need to make sure that we truly love each other before I just give myself over to him." I took a sip from my cup.

"See, smart girl. That my new friend, is something I can drink to." She hit her cup against mine and we both took big sips from our cups.

"Look who found trouble." Zack said as he approached Mel and me.

"Did we find trouble or did trouble find us?" I asked and Mel gave me a high five.

"I like this girl. Prepare yourself Merrick, you're looking at the newest best friendship this world has ever seen." Mel stated, which made me chuckle.

"And it looks like you've had enough to drink." Zack stated.

"Why are you such a party pooper?" She asked him as she punched him in the arm.

"You've really hurt me Mel, right here." He said and placed his hand onto his heart. She stuck her tongue out at him. Then he turned to me. "So are you liking the party?"

"Yeah." I lied, I'm not a good liar.

"Let me guess, you have no idea where Jack is?" He asked and I nodded. "He's in the back with Alex."

"I've got to go to the washroom." Mel said and ran off.

"Don't worry, I'll look out for her... but now that it's just the two of us, I've got to ask. Why him? I mean why did you choose Jack?" He asked.

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