Your Bed

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Alex's POV

I want to reach out to Summer, but I feel like I'm betraying my friendship with Jack. I already told him that I had changed my mind, when I knew I hadn't. Other than Lisa, Summer is the only woman I have ever loved... I wish I knew what to do.

Jack walked into my house, closing the front door loudly behind him. I looked up at him from my laptop. "Hey, I thought you had a date tonight?" I asked.

"I never called it a date." He sat down across from me. "I was supposed to see Summer tonight, but she canceled to hangout with Andy."

"That's kinda weird." I stated.

He shut my laptop, "Do you know something?" He asked.

"Firstly, don't shut my laptop man, I'm trying to work on something. Secondly, I just find it weird she would ditch you considering he lives with her." His eyes widened. "I was talking to Juliet the other day, she said that Andy had come to pick up the rest of his stuff with Summer a bit ago."

"Okay I definitely don't stand a chance now." He laid back in his seat and crossed his arms.

I put my laptop down on the coffee table. "Andy is one of her closest friends, she's just trying to be there for him. Andy's breakup was a big thing just like yours and Summer's. Don't let the fact that an extremely handsome man is living with your ex fiancé discourage you."

"Dude, did you hear what you just said?"

I chuckled, "Maybe instead of getting jealous and paranoid, remember who Summer is. She has loved you forever, if she had to stay home and be with Andy then there's a reason. Now can we put aside the Summer stuff and go out? I've been home all day, I need to get out of here." I asked and he nodded.

As soon as those words escaped my mouth, I knew them to be true. No matter what happened, she always went back to him, and so why did I have to ruin everything? Jack suggested we go to our favourite bar, which probably isn't the best thing for me at this moment, but I have to escape from my mind.

Summer's POV

Games night was a hit, probably one of the best nights I've had in awhile. It was so nice to see all my friends again, especially Zack and Elena. I haven't really had the chance to see much of either of them since Alex's almost wedding. Everyone was saying their goodbyes for the night when Zack pulled me aside to talk in the kitchen.

"This is going to come off as me being really rude, and I absolutely don't mean it to but what are you doing?" He asked and my eyebrows rose.

"What do you mean Zack?" I asked.

"Look I know that you and Andy are just friends, but it seems like the two of you are becoming far too dependent on each other. Tonight was fun, but the two of you are just playing house and pushing aside your issues. You both need to go home sooner or later." He said, it all kind of made me feel sick.

"I'm actually feeling really very tired, so maybe you should be off." I said and went into my bedroom, shutting the door behind me.

Hearing all that Zack said felt like a punch to the gut. I didn't leave Jack, he left me. He chose to listen to Mel rather than me, just as he always has. Living here with Andy has been the only thing keeping me going. With Andy here I have gotten back to work, socialized for the first time in months, and have started to get over my breakup. He just doesn't get it.

My phone buzzed in my pocket and I looked down at the message:

Alex: Call me.

I dialled his number and held my phone to my ear.

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