chapter 15: chicken nuggets.

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something smells amazing, I hug the pillow closer and continue to breath in the smell. wow this pillow is really cuddly... wait, the hospital didn't have soft pillows. they had those hard ones that feel like bricks. I sit up and regret it immediately, the cuts have not healed due to the knife being silver. I lift the covers and look down at the cuts... wait... boxers... I don't wear boxers and the shirt I'm wearing is huge.. damn these are my mates clothes, ok don't worry, don't panic, he just saw you naked and changed you while you were covered in cuts and bruises. oh shit I hope I didn't snore. Shaking my head I look up and look around the room.

where am I ?

"this smells like mate's bed. it smells so good!"

WHAT THE HELL.... oh yea I have my wolf now.

"yes I know it's nice being in his room but he's a rouge killing, heart of ice, ruthless man who doesn't exactly have a reputation for being friendly and understanding. we need to leave."

now, don't get me wrong its a nice room, its couplers are gray and black with hints of white. The bed was huge and the room even more so. There were two doors or my left and one to my right. ok one of these need lead out. I really want to be with my mate but he would kill me when he sees me and when he realizes I'm a rouge. He is the rouge killing Alpha after all.

"but.. he saved us Skyler, why would he save us just to kill us later?"

my wolf whimpers at the thought of him not wanting us and i have to agree with her.

"ok good point... but still I need to be careful, I trusted James and look where that got me."

I stand up for the bed, reluctantly because damn, I'm in a shit ton of pain and I'm stiff but also have you ever just been in a bed and its like a cloud that you never want to leave, well add you're favorite smell to it and the fact that its the smell of you're soulmate and BAM the perfect trap to keep you in bed forever.

I look around and walk up to the first door.

"what's behind door number one... oh a bathroom."

and its the most expensive looking bathroom I've ever seen. the theme was also gray but with hints of red and green. It looks fantastic. ok, moving one.

I turn to door number two.

"ok door number two what do you contain..."

i slowly open the door and peer inside. its an office and wouldn't you know it, right there at the big oak desk is the hottest male I have ever seen. good god help me.

he looks up and is eyes widen when he realizes I'm there. he immediately gets up and within a second he is in front of me, how the hell did he move that fast in human form? he is a good head taller than me and his shoulders are wide and strong. I don't stand a chance. of course my wolf is running in circles and wagging her tail like a love sick puppy.

"I heard that sky."

oh yea, she can read minds...

as I was in my own world my mate cups my face in his big hands, like damn do you fight bears with those hands. the sparks almost make me flinch, its a weird sensation but then I hear the most attractive voice in the whole world. his voice strong and commanding but also soft and worried.

" are you ok angel? you shouldn't be out of bed, I don't want you to hurt yourself."

I almost melt at the pet name and all I could do was nod, this man is probably the first to make me speechless. I look up at him, his eyes seem to look straight through me. I blush and look away, he lifts my head and smiles down at me,

"don't look away baby, you don't have to be embarrassed of looking at your mate."

this snaps me out of his little trans... and brings me to my previous thought. I muster up the courage to talk.

"so you won't kill me?"

I swear my wolf just face blamed herself and I see my mate get a hurt, sad and almost disappointed look in his eyes.

"no, no, no angel, why would you ever even think that I would hurt you? you are my mate and I would never hurt you."

he moves to hug me and I felt how gentle he is when hugging me, no doubt keeping my injuries in mind.

my wolf chips in, in my head.

"told you so."

I mentally roll my eyes at her and focus on my mate who has me wrapped in his arms. he then, in one swift move, picks me up. he is careful not to hurt me. he carries me to the bed and place me on the bed facing him.

"now tell me, why would you ever even think that I would hurt you?"

I feel stupid for asking now so I try to change the subject.

"can I maybe have something to eat? I haven't eaten in a while..."

this seems to do the trick and he seems it get a worried expression.

"when last did you eat baby?"

I think back to the day that I was taken to the dungeons, four days before that so about a week ago. well this is embarrassing... so I tell him but I couldn't look him in the eyes.

"about a week ago..."


I flinch at his sudden outburst and he notices, he calmed down and the hugged me again, he seemed to never want to let go and I was ok with that, more than ok in fact.

"I'm so sorry my angel, you were in my pack for three days and I didn't even look after you, you were in the hospital because of me and you're hurt because I was to scared to face you, I'm so sorry baby... I get you anything you want, just say the word."

wait did he just say he was scared... of facing me. well we really need to have talk... but right now I need food and I know the perfect food to get.

"can I have chicken nuggets... and after that can we talk ?"

why am I so shy with this man... damn what's happening to me?

he chuckles and damn its a heavenly sound, he smiles and pulls his phone out. he types something and puts it away.

"your chicken nuggets are on their way angel, but seriously chicken nuggets?"

"what they are delicious."

he smiles and seems to remember my other request.

"we most definitely can talk after, I want to know everything about you my mate."

my wolf was jumping with joy and I was smiling like an idiot,

oh shit... I forgot about James... how will my mate react to that... mood goddess help me.


so how do you think alpha Kane will do when he finds out about the stalker ex best fried that is hunting his mate ?

well we'll have to see in the next chapters. see you there.

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