Chapter 3: the storm

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Heyyy guys, ok so first. I'm sorry for not updating my story. Mid year is still going on in my school.

Anyway here is the next part ❤️
Skylers P.O.V 

What the hell? Why is everyone so quiet. Damn I hate awkward silences and now I'm here panting and sweating...
Ok I'm breaking the silence

"Mom what's going on?"

My mother is.... crying ???? Why the hell is she crying she never cries.

"Mom what's wrong, are you ok? Is everyone alright? And why is James here ? Oms are you ok? Wait, am I ok? I'm not sick right? Oms I felt weird this morning.. I knew I should've stayed home, I'm not going to die right. I won't eat strawberries ever again. They did make me—."


My dad interrupted my rambling...

Damn strawberries are evil.

My father looks sad too. So I wait for him to explain.

"Skyler, hunny, we need to tell you something."

I wait in anticipation for him to continue but damn why does he have to talk so slow like we get it boomer you are slow but damn tell me if I'm sick from a killer strawberry or not!

"You know things have been tight for the pack, and that we need money."

This is true, our pack has been struggling lately. This is why my dad isn't home much.

"Well your friend here. James. He, well he is going to help us pay off some debt."

"Dad that's great!!! Oms, James thank you so much."

I chipped in and James just looks at me with a look I've never seen on him.

"Skyler he'll pay us if..."

"If what dad ?"

I can tell my dad is nervous because he's stomping his foot and he isn't looking me in the eyes. Ok something is wrong. It can't be that bad ? Then My dad finally found his words.

"If he gets you as a mate and a wife."

What ? No I don't think I heard him correctly. I think my math test messed up my senses. Yea math is evil. Like strawberries.

He isn't looking at me... my mom... omg she is crying more and my brother... he looks pissed.
No, no, no !

This isn't true.

"That's right my darling."

James said in a voice that's dangerously clam.
I don't like it. No I hate it.

"I bought you skyler. You are now mine and mine alone hunny, I've spend so long planning this. You dont know how perfect you are but I do and that why I claimed you and purchased you for myself.

No. My dad sold me... to my best friend. Ok well now he is my ex- best friend.

"What?! No, I have a mate, and You have a mate James. This must be a joke."

"Oh no Skyler, hunny, I killed my mate for you and I'll kill yours too. You are mine and will forever be."

What?! What type of psycho wolf kills their other half, their soul mate. This can't be true.
I look at me mom.

"Mom please tell me this is a joke, tell me I'm not being sold to a man who killed is own mate?"

My mother looks at me and with a shaky voice confirmed what i thought was a joke. No.

I won't stand for this.

"Go pack skyler...and don't argue, this isn't up for discussion."

My dads voice startled me. What ?! Pack now... but I don't want to go with him. I'm not a item that is sold. I have a mate and it sure as hell ain't this guy. What happened to my goofy best friend? Where is he? And who the hell is the maniac that took his place?

I need to get away form here

I need to get away. And I need to get away fast.


Hope y'all liked it ❤️❤️❤️  the tae was hot in this chapter ☕️

I'll release 3 more chapters today so stay tuned.

Ok see y'all in the next chapter 😘

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