Chapter 7: a bit about Alpha kane

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Hello guys❤️❤️❤️

Thanks so much for all the support and reads 🥰

You guys are amazing 😉

Kane p.o.v

I growl as I tear out the rouges Throat and watch it's limp body fall on the ground.

I'm alpha Kane. Alpha of the crescent moon pack. We are the strongest pack in the Southern Hemisphere. My brother has the strongest pack in the northern hemisphere.

I'm feared by my rivals and rouges don't normally step foot or paw into my territory. This one must have been stupid as I kill every rouge that even thinks about coming into my territory.

The ones I don't kill go to the torture rooms down in my dungeons. Yea I have dungeons, it's what makes my pack so scary to outsiders. We lock wolves up in the dungeons.

I shift and put on some basketball shorts and walk back home with blood dripping down my jaw. I'm a pitch black alpha wolf. We are the strongest as well as the biggest wolves to ever exist and as such there isn't a lot of pure wolves.

(Pure wolves are solid color wolves. They are very rare.
Least to most rare wolves:
1. Blond
2. Brown
3. Silver
4. Red
5. Black
6. White

The white wolves are very rare because of hunters. They are smaller, but are very fast and agile. Usually females will be white wolves. Male white wolves are ultra rare)

I walk past my pack members and all of them bow. The pups however run up to me. They crowd around me and ask questions about the blood on my face. We raise our pups to not fear blood. I pick up two of them and walk as I answer their questions.

I'm a feared and strong leader but I'm not heartless. I have a very intimidating reputation and I keep it that way. My pack knows not to disrespect me but they know I'm not as cold as the rumors make me out to be. I'm only cold to rouges. As cold as ice.

I talk some more and get to my house. I live alone. I have a house for me and my mate. I haven't found her yet but when I do this will be our house that we will raise our pups in.

My wolf Xavier howls at that thought and I agree. My mate is the one person that will see my true self. I'm 21 now and you find your mate at 18 I guess mine is younger than me.

I walk into my house and go take a shower. I get ready and head to the pack house. I need to go have a meeting with my Beta. We have a very high number of hunters that are busy getting to close for comfort.

My top wolves are.

1. My beta, Mike
2. My Delta (third in command) Luke
3. My lead warrior, Tomas

I would trust them with my life. They are all mated and I would lie if I said I wasn't a bit jealous. I will find her soon. And I will mark her and claim her. My wolf howls again.

"Love sick puppy."

I tease as he starts talking about all the things he's going to ask her and show her.

"Shut up Kane, our mate will be perfect."

"Yes, yes she will."

I push back the thoughts of my mate and head to my office. There are bigger fish to fry right now. I need to protect my pack.

Just as I'm about to enter, the pack slut, Lola walks up to me.

(My apologies to all the Lolas our there, that's just the name I wanted. No disrespect was meant)

"Hello alpha, you look tense."

She 'purrs'. Honestly, I hate her. I have a mate and it sure as hell ain't this cake faced clown of a she wolf.

"Go away Lola. I have a meeting."

"But alpha, don't you wanna go have some fun."

I shivered, and not of pleasure but of disgust. I really can't deal with this now.

"Lola, for the last time. You're not my mate. I'm not interested and if you don't stand down I'll send you to the dungeons."

Her face pales and she scurries away. Not without winking at me. She really disgusts me. I swear she is one of the reasons that we have the dungeons. To keep her in check.

I shake my head and head into my office. My Beta is snickering.

"You heard?"

"Yes alpha, I'm sorry but I sure do pity you."

"Why is that ?"

I raise my eyebrow and wait for his response.

"Because, alpha, you have a clown following you everywhere. It's like a horror movie but in this one there's a whore instead of a killer clown."

My beta is such a child but I'll prefer the killer clown over Lola.

After our joking around we start talking about the hunters and how to deal with them.
We were busy for about 2 hours when my Delta mind links me that he has a female rouge in the dungeon that I need to question. He just locked her up for trespassing.

I sigh and excuse myself. Time for the rouge.
Boy was I unprepared for what was waiting for me in that cell.

Heyyyyyyy guys I hope y'all liked it.

Love y'all. The next chapter will be out in a bit.


Thank you again to everyone.


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