Chapter 19: Rejection ?

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Skylers P.OV.

He ran...
He just ran away

Was I that pathetic...
I broke
He was gone... when I needed him...
I went to his room and just sat on the bed, tears flowing down my cheeks like a river, pooling at my feet. How could he run away.. usually I'd make a joke or say something sarcastic but... I just broke down.
The emptiness was weighing on my chest with such suffocating force that I started to hyperventilate. A panic attack, a bad one.
I felt the world start to spin, my wolf desperately trying to talk me into a calmer state, fighting at the bars to get to my consciousness, to sooth my darkening thoughts that swirled around my head like fish in a ever smaller growing pond, disturbing the clear waters of my mind and sending ripple upon ripple of dark thoughts crashing through my head.

My vision blurred and I could feel the conscious slip from my body as I was being dragged into the dark void that threatened to drown me, but just as the sweet relief of darkness was threatening to take over, my wolf broke the bars.

"Calm down, please... you're going to be alright, his wolf took over, he's just mad at the situation, please... he's not leaving you, we are strong, you are strong. I'm going to take over till you calmed down. passing out will bring harm to our already frail body."

She was right, I knew that... but... the fact he left still hung over my thought like a dark storm cloud.
I know his wolf explained why they left but when he got mad, I was paralyzed with such overwhelming fear that I didn't focus on what his wolf said
I just blacked out. 

"Kate... he left us... I just feel so pathetic and alone... my family gave me up... now him? I just-."

She interrupted me before I spiraled

"Hunny... he loves you, trust me, he's a good man and he has a good wolf and even better heart that only beats for you... I'm taking over... you need time to rest"

And with that, I was flung to the dark void of my mind as Kate took control of my body for a bit
So I just sat there, thinking about everything in the endless darkness that surrounded my subconscious.

Kate calmed my body down and laid down on the bed, and we stayed like that for about 2 hours until she retreaded back into her part of my mind. I opened my eyes and cried, softly as I thought about what happened.
I know... pathetic isn't it ?
But I just miss him.

I don't know for how long I was quietly crying for... 1 hour ? 2 ?
I don't know... I just sat on the bed, knees to my chest, hugging myself and crying.
The dark thoughts, although not as harsh and violent as before, still silently stirred in my mind, waiting for another chance to drown my mind, to drag me into the void, but I knew that Kate wouldn't allow for that to happen.
I just started to feel fresh hot tears flowing from my already aching eyes when I heard my mate return...
I heard Kane return.

He walked in and I saw his face shift when he laid his eyes on my curled up figure.
Sorrow, regret and... fear?
Well... not quite fear... more like concern, I don't think he could fear anything.

He smelled like lake water and a faint smell of blood was lingering on him, not noticeable to a plain wolf
But to a white wolf with heightened senses... it was there, as faint as a grain of salt mixed with the endless sand that surrounds the ocean... but it was there.

He walked over, slowly, as if he was unsure of his next step, he was silent, and I hated it. The silence hung heavy in the air and I couldn't stand it anymore .
He stopped when he heard me speak, finally breaking the silence between us.

"Are you going to reject me?"

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