chapter 18: rage

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Kane's P.O.V.

I walked into the room and saw that my mate was checking me out. I don't mind, as I've been doing the same to her. i walk over and sit next to her. i look at her and smile.

she asked me why i was smiling. i have to admit i never smile this much. it feels weird but i cant help it, she makes me the happiest i have ever been.

i answer her,

"you're beautiful, that's why."

she blushes and i remember that we need to talk so i ask her if she wanted to talk here or in the living room. she picked the living room and i lead her to it.

i start asking her questions, easy ones at first so that she can be more comfortable with telling me stuff about her and so that i know what color blankets to get her and what food/flowers to get her when she needs cheering up or as a surprise. although i don't plan on her ever being sad with me, i just like to be prepared.

i couldn't help myself, i need to know why she was a rouge, what happened...

so i asked.

i could see that she became visibly uncomfortable, so i stood up and sat next to her, placing my arm around her. she leaned into me and my protectiveness increased... i didn't know that was possible...

she told me her story... i got pissed. what father sells their daughter, and this son of a bitch, James. he killed his mate... for her. no, no one can have her... she's mine, my mate to protect and love. he has no right to her and i wont let him live if he comes anywhere near my mate. my anger grew as she continued, my... dark side... took over and i almost snapped when she told me that he's hunting her... she talked about the dungeons and guilt washed over me.

i was fuming, i was loosing control. luckily Xavier took over. i would have marked her to make sure she's mine. i would have gone into a protective, jealous, angry frenzy and no one want's that.

i looked over at her and my hear shattered. My mate was scared of me... she looked at me with fear and she shook.

i told Xavier to get us out of here before i do something that i regret. i was so in love with her and hearing what she went through broke my heart and my soul was on fire with the rage i was feeling. my body ached to hold her but i need to calm down...

this is killed me but i need to leave so i did...

Xavier tried to explain in the shortest way he could and i bolted out the house and shifted.

i ran and ran until i saw deer and i wanted to kill them, take my anger out on them but killing innocent creatures out of anger is wrong. i don't want to kill animals if i don't need to, they are innocent. so i go on a perimeter run, hoping for a rouge to kill, they are not innocent, they are trespassing and that's a good enough reason to kill them .

lucky for me, some rouges were stupid enough to cross over and challenge me. there were three of them, two larger wolves and a smaller one, all males. i pounced and they all attacked at the same time. i tore them apart.

i wanted all the pain that my mate felt disappear, i want to be there for her but i need to calm down so i took my anger out on these rouges. my body was covered in blood, the rouges were no more than mangles piles of shredded flesh and bones, broken bones. 

one of them did manage to bite me on my shoulder but i tore his head off, fair payback. the other two tried to run when my true form appeared, i hide it when my pack members are around but now... oh no it wanted to kill so i let it, no one hurts my mate, my love, my life.

i killed them for her, for me... hell i just loved killing rouges.

my bloodlust was satisfied, i ran to a nearby lake and i jumped in. the crimson blood mixed with the cool water of the lake. i swam for a bit, cooling down and making sure all traces of blood were gone. she was terrified when i left. the last thing i want her to see is me covered in blood.

the bite on my shoulder would be gone by morning, thanks to werewolves fast healing capabilities

i get out and fine a clothing stash, the pants fit but the shirt was too tight. so just pants it is.

i run back to the house in i hear my mate crying... shit

i was out for 3 hours... she couldn't have been crying for three hours... right

fuck... i run in and find her in our room... i broke when i saw her.


just a hint, he is not a vampire

see ya'll in the next chapter <3

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