Chapter 10: MATE!

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Hellloooo here is the chapter y'all have been asking for ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Have fun 😘

I can't believe rouges broke into the border.
I need to train my worriers more. I can't have pups protecting my pack, I need wolves.
I walk over to the jail that I was supposed to be at yesterday to interview the captured rouge. This was new, questioning, we usually kill every rouge but my Beta got it right to get me to agree with questioning kids under 21 and women. How he did this, I still don't know.

I walk over to the dungeons. My wolf suddenly stands up in my head. This is weird.

"Xavier, everything ok?"

My wolf isn't replying... he's.... oh damn he is wagging his tail? He never does that.

"Dammit Xavier tell me what's wrong!!!"

"I don't know Kane, shut up. Something is coming and it's making me happy. I'm trying to figure out what it is myself dumbass." 

I roll my eyes at him and continue waking, however now I'm on high alert. This rouge had my curiosity but now they have my attention.

I walk past the front gates where the guards great me and I walk past. I'm an alpha, I don't greet back, they respect me, I protect and provide. That how it works. I'm not cruel by any means to them. I'm just in "alpha mode" because I'm working.

I pass them and walk down to the holding sells.
As I enter the hallway the best smell I have ever smelt fills my nose. This sends Xavier snapping at the bars, wanting to take control and find the source of this smell. I however push him back and keep my composure. Stupid wolf.

"Find the smell! Find the smell now!!!!"

Ok ok geez. What are you a pup.

"Now Kane!"

I walk a bit faster and smell at the air. Third cell from the door. It's coming from there...

I slowly stalk towards the door of the cell and stop right before I can see inside.
I prepare myself for whatever has Xavier loosing his head like this.

I take a deep breath and walk further. Turn and there she was... the most beautiful she wolf I have ever seen, sleeping in the floor. The she wolf that sent my wolf nuts. And with one world my world as I knew it came crashing down.

My wolf Xavier only screams one word, the world that will change everything...


I look at this girl, Barely keeping control of Xavier. She is so small.

"Get mate out of the cell idiot!!!"

Wait, she is in a cell. She is a rouge... a filthy rouge... a rouge like the one that attack and kill members of MY pack.

"No, shut up! she is perfect Kane."

I can't argue with that, she is perfect. I need to talk to my mom about this. She will know what to do. She always knows what to do.

I turn around to walk away and glance at her one last time before walking out of the dungeons. This does not make my wolf happy.

"What are you doing !? Mate is in a cage. Get mate out of the dungeons."

"I will Xavier, I just need to talk to Mother about this."

"You're not rejecting her because of her status are you ?"

I stop walking.

"WHAT THE FUCK XAVIER!!! NO, FUCK NO IM NOT REJECTING HER!!!! She is mine and only mine. My one and only."

This makes my wolf shut up and go back to the back of my head. I continue walking and say one last thing before cutting the communication.

"I'm just getting some advice, then I'm getting her out of that hell hole."

I don't wanna scare her by moving her and I don't want to scare her by waking her up.

I mind link the guards, telling them to leave her alone and if anyone touches her, there will be hell to pay.

After getting a bunch of yes alphas I cut the communication. I run to my moms house and knock on the door.

My mother opens the door and lets me in.

My mother's name is Alina.

"Hello dear. Why have you come to see me? Is everything ok."

I sit down and wait for her to sit too. She does and I waist no time telling her why I'm there.

"I found my mate mom."

Hope y'all enjoy 😉
Love you 😘

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