Chapter 20: Never

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Kane's P.O.V.

There she was, curled into a ball, crying.
Fuck... I hate seeing her like this
I started to walk over to her, slowly, as to not scare her but then she said something that shook me to my core

"Are you going to reject me ?"

I stopped....

Reject ?
Reject her ? The most beautiful creature in the world ?
Did I really make her feel like this ?
My wolf wasn't happy, he nipped at the bars to come out and my... beast... that resides in my innermost core, stirred. He doesn't get rattled for anything but hearing those words leave her mouth... he hated that.
I looked at her, she refused to meet my gaze, and I hated it.
I moved once again, sitting next to her and she just looked down.
I couldn't handle it anymore. I pulled her close to me.

"Baby, no, of coarse I won't. I would never... I... you're the most important person to me, I would kill for you, die for you, I would never, ever reject you angel. I'm sorry I ran, I just... I couldn't... hearing what they did to you... I couldn't control myself, I needed to clear my head, but I needed to be here for you more... I'm so sorry angel"

She sniffed, her tears seemed to stop and she pushed herself closer to me... I have to tell her.
I have to tell her about what I am.

I need to... but... right now, I need to fix this

"How about we watch a movie ? And we can stay like this... I'll get your favorite snacks and if you want to talk... then we can also do that, whatever you want princess."

She looked up at me, her red swollen eyes, mixed emotions and tiredness made her look even more fragile than she was. She nodded, I assume she didn't want to talk, maybe she didn't trust her voice ? Or didn't know what to say ?
It doesn't matter. All that matters to me now, is to make sure that she is ok.

I gave her the remote, so that she could choose a movie. And I went downstairs to get some snacks. When I returned, I noticed that she put on Lilo and Stitch. Adorable.

She waited for me to get comfortable next to her, after I placed the snacks in front of her, some fruit, chips and other assortment of snacks.

She cuddled closer and softly hummed to the opening of the song. How could I have hurt this perfect woman. How anyone can think of harming her is beyond me.

She was fast asleep not even halfway through the movie. She's so adorable when she sleeps, so peaceful.

She's been through so much and I will never leave her, I can't believe that she thought I would reject her. I've become obsessed with her, she's my world and I will kill those that put her through the hell that she had to face. She's mine.

I put off the movie and pulled out my phone to answer some texts and emails about pack related stuff while she held onto me. About an hour or so I felt her grip tighten and she began to toss slightly. I looked down. She must be having a nightmare.

She's frowning and mumbling some incoherent words as I softly stroke her back to try and sooth her without waking up... then

"James, no"

I froze, he's in her dream... or rather, her nightmare.

She gets more restless and her breathing gets faster and more shallow. Fuck.

"Baby, wake up."

She just mumbles and her body seems to want to fight off some invisible enemy.
"Please, no, st- stop, please."

I can't stand seeing her like this, so I try to shake her gently.

"Angel, you're having a nightmare, wake up, please."


"James... no... Kane."

Me ?

"Kane, help ! Kane... please."
The way she whimpered please... I broke all over again.

So I held onto her... this time I wasn't soft.


She woke up, trying to fight me off, probably still thinking that this James guy was holding her.

"Let me go! No, no!"

She's petrified, shaking and in a cold sweat.
"Shhh baby, it's me, I'm here... he can't hurt you, I'm here."

She calms down when she realizes that her mate was holding her, her panic subsided as I whisper sweet nothings and promises of protection into her ear, she pushes herself impossibly close to me and we stayed like that until she fell asleep once more.

This man... James... will pay for causing her so much pain and fear.

My wolf agrees and so does my beast that lives within me.

He will regret the day he laid eyes on my mate.
He won't effect her like this ever again.
He won't touch her.
He won't take my mate.

I will kill him.

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