Chapter 1: a bit of a introduction.

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Skylers P.O.V
I wake up to the suns rays shining into my room making in my walls a beautiful yellow and orange color. I stay in bed for a few minutes longer staring up at the ceiling wondering what I should do today. My thoughts were interrupted by the smell of coffee and the sound of my family talking downstairs in the kitchen. I get out of bed and put on my fluffy bunny slippers. I walk to the kitchen.

" good morning mum."

My mom is a very gentle soul with dark brown hair and brown eyes. She is in her early 40's but she loves to act like a 20 year old.

" good morning sweetie how did you sleep?"

" good, thanks mom. where is dad? He usually brings me coffee in the morning."

" oh he had to go to the pack house honey."

Did I mention I'm a werewolf... well I am but I haven't turned into my wolf yet since we can only turn when we are eighteen . My eighteenth birthday is in March which is 2 months away.

" oh ok mum"

Just then my brother, Luke, walks in. He has broad shoulders and blond hair like my dad but he has brown eyes like my mum.

"Morning sis."

"Morning Luke."

He was never the type to talk to much so I just grabbed my coffee and headed back up to my room.

I get to my closet and pick out a cute but comfy outfit. A pair of black tights and a gray hoodie. I pair those with some black sneakers. I finish my coffee and put on the clothes. I head to the bathroom and but my hair in a messy bun, I brush my teeth and head down stairs to grab my smoothie.

Yea, I don't wear makeup. Sue me!

Anyway I grab my smoothie and down it in one big gulp. After my mom gave me a look utter disgust. I head out and start walking to school.
I only live about 10 minutes away by walking.

As I walk to school I start thinking about that math test that replaced my sleep last night.

Math, why you gotta have a love/ hate relationship with me.

I get to hell..... I mean school, and walk of to my first class..... and you guessed it, math.


Whoooooo first chapter done, BAMN !!!!!!!

Hope y'all liked it, I'll try and update every day with a new chapter or two.

Love ya, 🥰


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