Chapter 51: The Alpha Leaders

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A couple of days later...

So yeah you were Jeremy's maid alright. Everyday you'd wake up, clean a shit ton, wash up, prep the table for dinner, eat, wash dishes, and go to bed. You didn't mind it but sometimes it was a drag. You had to keep telling yourself that you have a soft bed to sleep in so you don't slack off. You were cleaning the kitchen while Antonio was watching you. You look at the window and see Jeremy sparring with Clay, Elena, Logan, Nick, and Peter. It was fascinating seeing Jeremy in action. He really was the father of the pack teaching his "kids" how to fight. You honestly wish you could go out there and show them how it's really done

You: Why aren't you out there?

Antonio: Ha! Have you seen me?

You: And what? You have to learn how to fight to

Antonio: I know how to fight. I just chose to sit this one out that's all

You: Hmph if I was out there...

Antonio: Oh boy. Jeremy would have a field day with you

You smirk

You: Exactly. See? You get it

He smirks at you

Later On...

You were cleaning and tidying up the rooms. Logan was standing by the door watching you. You eventually go into Jeremy's room

You: Ah its been awhile since I was in here

Logan: Yeah so don't try to steal anything

You: I promise I won't

He rolls his eyes then walks out of the room. You start tidying up his room. You couldn't help but get distracted by the paintings on the wall and of course by the scent from his clothes. You really wanted to take one of his shirts especially the red long sleeve one. You contain yourself then start dusting off the drawers and bookshelves. You see his ring then pick it up

You: Hey I remember you. You got me in so much trouble that Danvers tackled me out of the window

You place it on your hand

You: Wonder why it means a lot to him?

Jeremy: It's a family ring

You jump

You: I wasn't stealing!

He smirks while walking over to you then sticks his hand out. You put his ring on it

You: I totally wasn't going to steal it

Jeremy: Mmhmm sure

He looks at it up close

You: A family ring you say?

Jeremy: Yes. It was my father's

You: Ah I see. Is he dead or something?

Jeremy: No unfortunately

You raise an eyebrow

You:...Okay then

He looks at you

Jeremy: I say that because him and I don't see eye to eye. He also tried to kill me

You: Really? So why keep it if it just reminds you of the past?

Jeremy: It's a ring that has been given to other Alphas in my family for decades. My father was one then he made me Alpha, giving me this ring. He didn't want to be under my rules since he despises me so he left and became a mutt. I never saw him again after that

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