Chapter 60: Goodbye For Now

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Clay and Antonio get in the car

Clay: Anyone else coming?

Everyone just stares

Antonio: All of you get in the car. Clays right. Jeremy could be hurt out there

Logan: Where do we look though?

Clay: The woods of course

Elena: You know what? What the hell, let's go

She heads in the car. Everyone else gets in as well. They start driving off. You quickly jump down in front of the car. Everyone yells while Clay steps on the brakes

Logan: Holy shit

Nick puts his hands on his chest while catching his breath

Nick: She needs to stop doing that

Clay sees you smirking while waving at him. He glares then quickly gets out of the car

Clay: Where the fuck is he?!

He storms over to you. You smirk more, hoping he tries something

Clay: What did you do to him?!

You: Chill out first then I'll tell you

Everyone else gets out and walks over looking pissed off

You: Nice to see you all again

Elena: He better be alive

You look at her

You: He is

You look at Peter

You: Hey Pete

He folds his arms and looks away

Nick: Well?

Logan: Are you going to tell us or not?

You: Your Alpha is alive. I saved him... yet again

Everyone just rolls their eyes and make annoyed sounds at you

Clay: Bullshit!

You roll your eyes

Clay: You tried to kill him!

You: It was an accident I swear

Peter: That's hard to believe

You let out a sigh

You: Alright you know what? Fine. I fucked up alright? In return, I patched up Danvers and he's... well take a look for yourselves

You look at the woods. Jeremy shows himself behind a tree and heads over. Everyone gets a relieved feeling but then get shocked when they see his new figure. Clay doesn't notice but runs over and hugs him. Jeremy hugs back but tighter

You: Not too tight now. You might hurt him

Jeremy: Shut up

You smirk

You: Okay then I warned you

Clay: Are you alright?

Jeremy: I'm okay. Are you okay?

He nods

Nick: Jeremy?

He looks at him

Peter: Dude, you're ripped!

Jeremy: I know

Nick: How though? You're more built than Clay

Jeremy:  It's hard to explain

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