Chapter 78: New Looks

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The Next Morning...


You: Wake up Danvers, we have to put you in your new look today

You hear silence so try to unlock the door but it's locked

You: Of course

You bang on the door

Fin: Ms. Z? Do you need help with something?

You: Yes can you get Xata please? I need her help

Fin: Of course

He leaves, finding Xata

Fin: There you are Master. Ms. Z has asked me to find you for your help

Xata: Thank you Finbar

Xata walks down the hall where she sees you sniffing by a door

You: Whoa whatever is in there smells good

Xata: What did you need help with?

You: Danvers. My Danvers locked the door and I need him to get his new look on so he doesn't scare your family

Xata: I see. Finbar; can you get Mr. Danvers down here before the others wake up?

Fin: Yes Master

He flies off

You: Wow you have a good reputation here

Xata: I always treat others with respect. To be truthful even the darkest enemy have a soft spot. I give one last good meals to my enemies before death

You: I see. You and I are very different

Xata: Yes we are

Fin: Here he is. I brought his bag for him to change after his shower

Jeremy comes in looking annoyed and groggy

Xata: Thank you Finbar

You: So can you help me with him?

Xata: I will but name first. Jeremy what would you like to be called?

You: Ooo ooo I know!

Jeremy: Here it comes

You: Jerry

Xata: Jerry? Are you sure?

You: Yes and he's a mute

Jeremy glares at you while you smirk at him

Xata: Jerry is a good name. Let's go see what we can give you for your disguise. Also; do you know sign language?

He signs "Yes I do". You give him a weird look

You: Since when?!

Jeremy: Don't worry about it

You: Hmph

Jeremy: Hmph

Xata: Good now let's change your looks

She takes Z and Jeremy to a room where Xata's barber is

Oh my. If it isn't our lord and savior Xata. How are you Master and who are they?

Xata: Good morning Nyxion. Can you give my friends here the best?

Nyxion: Why yes Master

You: Wait me to?

Xata: Yes. This is my treat to you both

Nyxion splits into two

Nyxion: Step on up darlings

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