Chapter 64: Training Session: Ignore The Voice

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Later that night...

Both you and Jeremy were lying on your beds. He was still passed out while you were starting to slowly fall asleep

Your wolf: Wake up

You open your eyes

You: What's wrong?

Your wolf: You're bleeding

Your eyes get wide. You quickly sit up, and pull the blanket off. You see blood all over yourself, the blanket, and your "bed"

You: Oh no, no, no, no

Your wolf: Stop freaking out, you'll wake him up. We've dealt with this before now move it

You quickly get up and start making the fire pit

You: Shit I need to grab clothes but he's in my room. If I pass him then all hell breaks loose. Maybe my backpack has clothes

You hear Jeremy moving around in his "sleep". You listen out for him then continue getting the fire ready. Once lit, you quickly grab a bucket and fill it with water. You move the blanket out if the way, pour the water on it, start washing it off with your hands. It spills on the ground so you quickly cover it with dirt to get rid of the scent. Once you're done, you take off all of your clothes and throw them in the fire along with the blanket. You then grab your backpack, run off outside, and get in the water. Jeremy starts moving around the bed some more until he finally stops, lying on his back. He starts sniffing the air as his eyes quickly open and start to glow

Jeremy's wolf: Mmm what is that?

Jeremy: I don't know but it's...I don't know how to explain it

He crawls out of the bed, smelling the ground

Jeremy: Lustful

He crawls out of the room, still smelling the ground

Jeremy: Desirable

He sniffs the ground more

Jeremy: Irresistible

He goes over to where you slept at and starts smelling it

Jeremy: Something's there

He crawls back down on the ground then smells at the puddle

Jeremy: Hmm something was definitely there

His nose gets hit with a scent. He quickly looks, seeing the drop of blood. He crawls over to it and sniffs it as his eyes start to glow

Jeremy's wolf: Mmmm

The smell gets him excited. He slowly licks it while letting out a moan

Jeremy's wolf: Oh yeah. That's what I like

He starts to turn into his wolf. You can hear him as you're washing yourself up

You: Oh fuck

Your wolf: Hide in the water, I can take care of him

You quickly sink low in the water while looking up at the surface. Once Jeremy turns, he smells the ground and follows your trail. He gets to the water then growls. He sees green glowing eyes then is suddenly attacked by you as your wolf form. You pin him down but he slips by then pins you down from behind as he gets on top. You quickly bite his paw and pull him down, tightening your grip. He let's out a roar, bitting you on the back of the neck while pulling you towards him and still trying to get on top. you growl then twist his paw, breaking it. He let's out a yelp as you toss him into a tree. He hits it hard while sliding down. He gets up, letting out a whimper when he puts pressure on his broken paw. He looks and licks it. You growl intensively as a warning. He shakes the feeling off and growls back. He's not giving up. Damn hybrid. You quickly jump onto the tree but he jumps, bites you on your back, and pulls you back down. You get mad then attack him. You both start rolling around on the floor while attacking one another. He's able to jump on your back but repeatedly bites down on your neck hard. You let out a yelp then turn around, scratch his face, and bite him hard on his shoulder. He yelps as you pull on it. He smacks you off him. Shoving you into a tree that you hit hard and fall into the grass where he can't see you. He falls on his stomach from the pain, turning back into his human form. He was naked. He slowly picks himself up while groaning from his wounded shoulder and broken wrist. He looks to where you landed. His eyes suddenly get wide. You had gotten up glaring at him from his actions but you were also naked. He looks at you from head to toe, getting excited. You see him, look down, and quickly cover yourself with your arms while crouching behind the grass so he can't see your nakedness

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