Chapter 97: How Two Creatures Met

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Xata goes into the library and grabs a book about male massages. She feels a hand on her shoulder and looks, it's Jeremy

Xata: Hello Jerry; how are you feeling?

Jeremy: Well I wanted to thank you for helping me with my stress. I never really knew how stressed out my body was

Xata: You're welcome. I'm happy to hear that you are doing great

He nods but just stands there

Xata: Was there something you needed?

He starts to rub the back of his neck

Jeremy: Yes well. I want to know something about you and Z

Xata: Okay

Jeremy: I want to know how you were both able to handle each other

Xata: Like when we first met?

Jeremy: Yes. Two very different creatures and people. She told me you saved her in a cave full of bones when she went to get the antidote for Clay

Xata: What? Oh no, that's not what happened

Jeremy: Wait what?

Jeremy's wolf: I knew it!

Xata: I met her when I was trying to get to my landscape and I was brought to Stonehaven. The sky was dark, there was fog everywhere, and the only light I saw was coming from the basement. I saw how boarded up the mansion was and the front doors looked like they've been ripped off since there was glass scattered everywhere. Then I saw the basement door slightly opened. When I walked down there, I saw you and your family with wood around all around Z like some sort of stake. The environment felt like a rippling nightmare you would see people burning witches on

Jeremy's wolf: Hmm I don't remember that at all but okay

Jeremy: Umm...what else happened?

Xata: I saw she had a muzzle on her mouth and I ripped the cage door open. I placed the stake down, helped her out of it, and took the muzzle off. She wanted to feel safe so I held her in my arms but let me tell you how you and your family made her feel before I saved her. Just think about everything that would put a dark grin on your face just to see someone die. No remorse. No regret to kill who you want. I saw all of you in a state of aggression

Jeremy's wolf: So?

Jeremy: Mmhmm

Xata: We talked and got to know one another and about our kind. She must have forgotten or doesn't remember

Jeremy: Damnit man. I fell for it. It seems that Z has lied to me... yet again. Thank you for telling me that even though I'm still confused because it sounds like you two met from one of Z's nightmares

Xata: You're right we did

Jeremy's eyes get wide

Jeremy: So anything is really possible here then?

Xata: Another thing that Z needs to do is tell the truth more. Lie after lie is not a way to trust people. The truth can hurt but a lie can impact the worse. As for you. You hard time focusing especially when you're angry or that wolf of yours is bugging you but when I showed you how to use a bow, I helped you to concentrate on the targets. If Z is going to be your teacher on how to tame the beast within then you need to pay attention to what she tells you. I know how stubborn you can be. Same thing with me. I had to learn and master the power to shift and voice my Alpha forms. If I can learn from a book then you can learn from Z

Jeremy: So you want me to let Z push me to my goals?

Xata: Is that what you want?

He sits down on one of the chairs and puts his hand on his face. She sits on the chair next to him and rubs his shoulder

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