Chapter 85: The Battle Begins

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The Next Morning...

You wake up feeling groggy. Once you sit up, your head starts to hurt. You put your hand on it

You: Ugh my head

Your wolf: Ugh is correct. We've never felt this way before

You: I believe this is a hangover from the rum and whiskey

Your wolf: I don't like it

You: Me either. Make sure you stop me from drinking alcohol ever again

Your wolf: Oh trust me I will

You get out of bed then feel nauseous

You: Uh oh

You run to the bathroom and start throwing up. Once your done, you flush the toilet and wash your mouth out

You: Hey. I actually feel better now

Your wolf: Odd. Side effect to alcohol?

You: Sure... why am I still wearing my dress?

You look at yourself in the mirror. The first thing that catches your eye was your chest exposed with your bra still on. You cover yourself

You: Oh my god I walked around like this?!

Your hair was also messed up while your makeup was smeared

You:  Jesus christ I look like a hot mess

Your wolf: Well you had a hot date last night hehe

You think about it especially with you and Jeremy making out on the table

You: Oooh yeah... shit. You think he remembers?

Your wolf: Of course

You look at the side of your dress and see the rips

Your wolf: Oh he definitely remembers

You: I should pretend I don't so he thinks it was just the alcohol like when his wolf got drunk and took over

Your wolf starts laughing

Your wolf: You're funny; you know that?

You: Hmph

You grab some clothes then start the shower. As you're undressing, you start to think about your little make out session with Jeremy again but realizing his scent is all over your dress. You grab then start smelling it

You: God his scent is so good

You continue to smell your dress, getting distracted

Your wolf: The water is still running

You stop

You: Oh yeah

You drop the dress then get in the shower


Jeremy wakes up groggy as well. He was wearing his pj's unlike you. He puts his hand on his face

Jeremy: Ugh. Hate waking up like this

Jeremy's wolf: It's about time you woke up

Jeremy: Ugh already annoying me?

Jeremy's wolf: Just wanted to know how you're feeling after last night

He stops to think about it

Jeremy:... Oh yeah... that

Jeremy's wolf: And?

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