Chapter 70: Parallel Worlds

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One Week Later...

You were meditating outside of your cave to get some air after that stressful week. Once you get there, you see Jeremy passed out on the floor

You: Drunk bastard. Left him here for a week and this is what I get? Hmph time to really piss him off

You lie down next to him and wrap your arms around him

You: How's my Alpha doing?

He looks at you then quickly gets up

Jeremy: Who are you?!

You give him a confused look

You: It's me dumbass. Stop messing around. It's only been a week

Jeremy: I don't know who you are

You stand while letting out a laugh, thinking he's messing around to get away from you

You: I see what's going on

Your wolf: Nice try little wolf. He always forgets about this little trick

You start to walk up to him but he backs away. Your eyes started to glow

Jeremy: What are you doing?

You give him a confused but frustrated look

Your wolf: It's not working. How?

You: Hmm you're acting very strange. Did you cure yourself from me or are you just playing hard to get?

Jeremy: I don't have time for this. Where's (y/n)?

You: Who?

Jeremy: (y/n)

You: All I know is Xata

Jeremy: Whose Xata?

You give him a weird look and back away a little

You: She saved and helped me. Gave me my own getaway from reality. Really nice person

He gets lost in thought

You: Hey; are you going to tell me why you're here? Do you know Xata or something?

Jeremy: What does she look like?

You: Well she has this cool robe, wears black, has scars like if she fights a lot, and she wears a mask with strange markings on it. She said they mean "war"

Jeremy: War? Wait that must be (y/n)!

You: Hmm well you seem happy about it so you know her?

Jeremy: Was she here?!

You: Yes yesterday; why?

Jeremy: She was kidnapped by some old cult of witches that killed her kind. Now I am worried for her. She did not tell me her location

You: What? Are they going to put a spell on her?

Your wolf laughs

Jeremy: For what I know. They did tests on my family. I think they did tests on her to

You get mad that your eyes start to glow

You: They're doing tests on my best friend?!

You punch a hole in a tree

Jeremy: I know how you feel. I want to kill them for taking her away from me and try to find the rest of my family

You: God damnit! I wish she had told me?! I would not want anyone... not even my Jeremy even though he's a fucking asshole right now!

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