Chapter 45: An Unexpected Turn

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You were sleeping on the broken bench in your broken cell. You start slightly twitching and moving around but it was just a normal reaction to Peter and Antonio who were watching you so they just ignored it and kept playing chess. You wake up in your cell, the sun was up. You stretch your arms and legs then get up

You: Morning fellas

They don't say anything so you look and see them frozen

You: I've seen this before

You go over to the window and see fog

You: Oh I've definitely seen this shit before

You feel a hand on your shoulder. You slightly jump and turn around. It was your friend Xata. She helped you during your journey of getting the antidote. She gave you a flower that can make people see the past. You thought it was bullshit and just accepted it as a gift but she made you see things, things unimaginable so that's when you believed

You: Xata how are you?

Xata: Good. How's it going? I see you've been hurt

You: We're getting there. One day at a time. As for my injury, it's from saving him

You point at Peter

You: He saved me as well. What are you doing here by the way?

Xata: Checking on you. And wanted to give you these

She gives you a bottle of wine and money

You: Wow. I haven't drank since...a long time. What's the money for?

Xata: For clothes. You're running low on it since they won't get it for you

You: Sweet. Thanks

Xata: Your welcome my friend. Also I wanted to give you this

She gives you a golden fang. You raise your eyebrow

You: What's this for?

Xata: In case you ever need to talk to me. Just draw your blood on here and I'll come

You: Alright then

Xata: So; who attacked Peter?

You: Someone named Thomas

Xata's eye lid up

Xata: Thomas?! As in Thomas LeBlanc?!

You nod. She then takes out a scroll and looks at it closely. You didn't know what the hell was going on but it was pretty cool to see a scroll in front of you

Xata: Be careful with him. He may be a mutt but he's smart and dangerous

You: Don't worry I'm always careful

Xata: Good. That's it for now

You: Thanks again for everything

She nods then a bright light appears. You quickly wake up while breathing heavily and shaking. Peter jumps then grabs his stomach while groaning

Peter: My god! Ow

He rubs his stomach

Peter: Can never get use to that part

You look at the window.  It's dark

You *whispering* Night still? I'm losing my mind I swear

You sit up while rubbing your head then grab your backpack which was right next to you. Jeremy gave it back to you to make amends. He gives you your backpack, you stay. You look inside it to grab a water bottle but instead you find the wine bottle, money, and the golden fang. You quickly close the bag then look at Peter and Antonio. They're playing their game still. You look back at the bag

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