Chapter 14: He's Here

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Hours later, Jeremy makes it back to the house. Elena comes out of one of the rooms and sees him covered in blood while grabbing onto his stomach

Elena: Jeremy

She runs up to him

Jeremy: Where is everyone?

Elena: Out looking for you. I stayed behind in case you came here

She grabs his wrist, he hisses. She looks at her hand and sees blood

Elena: Was it her?

He nods

Elena: Damn, she got you good

Jeremy: I got her first but not as bad as me

She lets out a laugh while rolling her eyes. He smiles then gets a sad look when reality hits him

Jeremy: Lock me up

She looks at him

Elena: What?

Jeremy: It wasn't just her that attacked me. I... killed two wolves. They were Alphas

Her eyes get wide

Elena: My god

Jeremy: She made us...Please lock me up. I don't want to hurt anyone else

She nods then helps him all the way to the cell where he lies down on the bench. She closes the door and locks it

Elena: Wait you're covered in blood and injured. You should get cleaned up... again

Jeremy: I'll be fine

Elena: Jeremy

He looks at her

Jeremy: When everyone is home then I'll get cleaned up. I have to talk to you all about what happened... What I did

Elena: At least let me patch you up

Jeremy: Mmm fine. You need...

Elena: I know what to get. I've paid attention to you

Jeremy: Good. Now hurry, her scent is getting stronger and it's driving me crazy

Elena: You're not going to be gone when I get back are you

He smiles

Jeremy: Ha...ha...

Elena: Just saying

Jeremy: I'm in no shape to go anywhere

Elena: Alright then

She leaves the room to get the medical stuff. Jeremy looks at his wrist. The blood bled through his sleeve. He pulls it down to look at the bite. It was deep and bleeding

Jeremy: You can't hide from me now mutt

He thinks about the encounter he had with you. He thinks really hard on how you looked. How close you were to him. Those green eyes. He shakes his head

Jeremy: No. Don't fall for it


Elena calls Clay while grabbing the things she's needs for Jeremy

Clay: Elena everything okay?

Elena: He's here

Clay: What?

Elena: He came home like I knew he would

Clay: How is he?

Elena: He's not looking too good. Covered in blood, bleeding, and got hurt pretty bad . He told me to lock him up so he's not going anywhere

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