Chapter 59: Anger

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Jeremy comes outside being blinded by the sun again. He looks away

You: Here

You give him his shades. He snatches it from your hand then puts them on

You: Go put your jacket on. You have much to learn

Jeremy: I'm fine like this

You punch him in his chest, making him fall on the ground. He groans

Jeremy: The fuck was that for?

You: Training is in session now go put your fucking jacket on

He gets up while growling, getting in your face. You glare. He growls then stomps back in the cave

You: So childish I swear

A couple of minutes later, he comes back outside with his jacket on. He also had his hood on as well

Jeremy: Happy?

You: Yes very much

Jeremy: Thought you wanted me to wash up?

You: You took too long so now you're going to have to wait until we're done

Jeremy: That's just great

You: Oh relax it'll be fun

He rolls his eyes

You: Now come over here

He walks over to you with his arms folded. You sit criss-crossed on the ground

Jeremy: What are you doing?

You: Your first test is to control your hearing. You were frantic when you ran off and heard many noises right?

Jeremy: Yeah so?

You give him an annoyed look

You: Sit like how I am

Jeremy: I'm good here

You let out a growl

You: Whatever suits you I guess. What do you hear in the woods right now?

He listens. He can hear branches breaking, squirrels running around on the trees, birds chirping, and people laughing all at the same time. He shakes his head

Jeremy: Too many noises at once. It hurts my head

You: Alright focus on one then quiet the others out

Jeremy: How do you expect me to do that?

You: I'd say meditate like how I am but you're being a brat so just do it standing

He laughs

Jeremy: Seriously?

You look at him with a glare

You: Do you want me to help you or not? This works you know? You saw me do it and how I completely "ignored" you all

He let's out an annoyed growl then listens again. He hears it all happen again. He starts to shake his head

Jeremy: I can't do it

You: Close your eyes, breathe, and focus on one thing

He rolls his eyes then closes them and breathes. He listens out once more. You feel the breeze from the wind

You: Listen to the wind, concentrate on the breeze touching your skin, shut every other noise out, and breathe in and out slowly

He does what you say. He hears everything but then it all get silenced and he just hears the wind hitting the trees then feels the breeze. You peek over at him, seeing him more relaxed. You smile then go back to meditating

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