(1) Meet James "Bucky" Barnes

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Four years ago, 

"Do you James take Shayla to be your lawful wedded wife forsaking all others as long as you both shall live?"  A minister said 

"I do." He said 

"And do you Shayla take James to be your lawful wedded husband forsaking all others as long as you both shall live?" A minister said 

"I do." She said 

"Without any further a do I now pronounce you husband and wife. Mr Barnes you may now kiss your bride." A minister said 

Bucky kissed Shayla his long time sweetheart since senior year of highschool. They were now 27 years old. She wanted them to get married after they were done with school. That included when he was done with business school. 

At the reception James came over to the newly weds. "What's this I hear that you started up your own business. You are a Barnes." James said 

Bucky just walked away. "Who are you?" Shayla asked 

"I'm James Barnes III your father in law. Despite what my son thinks of Marcus I am his father." James said as he handed her his business card. 

"You wouldn't happen to be looking for a assistant. My degree is in business personal assistant. I've just been his receptionist for the last year." She said 

"As a matter of fact I am. The one I had quit two weeks ago and I've waiting for the right one to come through. Can you come in on Monday for a interview?" He said 

"Yes I can." She said 

"Great come around 2." James said as he walked away. 

James found his ex wife. "Why did you let him start up his own company?" James said 

"Same reason he no longer wants to be around you." Winnie said as she cut him a cold hard stare. 

James shook his head and walked away. 


"What do you mean you quit?" Bucky said 

"I had a job interview with your father this afternoon. He offered me a job James. I can use my degree." Shayla said 

"Shay baby no. Call him back and tell him you changed your mind. That man is the devil he's a horrible mean person! You can't work for him!" He yelled 

"James! That is your father the person who helped give life to you. I didn't even know he existed till three days ago. I didn't waste my time in college to let my degree collect dust while I'm sitting at a desk at your office answering the phone!" Shayla said 

Bucky rolled his eyes and walked out. He ended up going to one of his best friends place to cool off and crashed there. Three days into their marriage and already had a huge fight. 

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