(20) Meeting The Family

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Two weeks later 

Bucky woke up alone in his bed. "Kenna baby." He whispered. 

He didn't see her anywhere in his apartment he found his phone.

"Hello.." she said 

"Where are you baby?" He said 

"Um, well I'm at the bakery. I'm making pies and cakes for us to go meet your family later." She said 

"McKenna baby you don't have to go all out." He said 

She rolled her eyes. 

"Mom already loves you. And the rest of them are going to love you." He said as he pulled on clothes.

"I have to mix this lemon cake James." She said 

"I'll be there soon." He said as he hung up. 

He came through the back to see her decorating a strawberry cake. He went to make a cup of coffee and came over to her. When she looked at him she was red and sweaty. 

"Baby please stop. You are hot and sweating trying to make cakes and pies." He said 

"Well I also made all the breakfast stuff that has been put out too." She said 

He pulled her over to him to stand in between his legs. He pushed some of her blonde hair out of her face. 

"You are doing to much. You need to slow down." He said 

She finished her cakes and baked the last pie before heading upstairs to get ready. 


When they pulled into his mom's driveway she was amazed by how big the house was. 

"What's with the face?" He said 

"I just the house is huge." She said 

"Well you are about to find out why." He said 

He opened the door for her and got all the cakes and pies out of the backseat. They walked up to  the door. Winnie opened it before the got to it. 

She told the two maids behind her to take the boxes to the kitchen. 

"McKenna this is my mom Winnie, Mom this is Mckenna." Bucky said 

Winnie smiled. "I know who she is James. But it's nice to finally be formally introduced." Winnie said as she led them into the sitting room. 

Bucky took a deep breathe, "McKenna darlin, this is my family. My step dad Marcus, his kids Marcelo is who you haven't met he's the oldest. You already met Jiovanni and Malcolm. Their sister Janessa and her husband Jaquez. Over there is my brother Elijah and his wife, my brother Jasper and his wife. My sisters Rebecca Ruthie and Odette and their husbands. And of course all of mom's grandbabies are in the playroom." He said 

"Wow.." she whispered 

"Everyone this is Mckenna Harlow. My girlfriend." He said 

"Now I understand the big house." She whispered as they all went into the dining room to eat. 

"Yup. Mom married him when I was 15 Marcelo and Elijah were the only two off at college." He said 

They all enjoyed the dessert when it came time for the cakes and the pies she had made. Bucky noticed that she was starting become quieter as the night went on. On the way home he looked at her. 

"Baby what's wrong?" He said 

"It's nothing really. Just being around your family today just really made me miss my parents. I wish I could do what you did today. Take you over for dinner you can't have dinner with dead people." She said 

"I remember your parents. I seen them all the time at the bakery. They were two beautiful people so in love." He said as they turned into his building's parking garage. 

When they were sitting in the tub he wrapped his arms around her. "I love you my darling." He whispered 

She smiled. "I love you too." She whispered 

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