(8) Rekindling The Flame

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The next night when she returned home she walked in to find candles lit. 

"Hey darlin." Bucky said as he came to the door. 

He took her stuff from her. 

"James what's going on?" She said 

"I'm making you dinner. Come on I have other surprises." He said as he took her hand and walked her to their master suite bathroom.

He had more candles lit and a hot rose petal filled bath ready. He gave her a glass of her favorite wine.

"You enjoy this while I go finish up dinner." He said as he kissed her forehead.

Bucky left her there in the bathroom to finish dinner. Twenty minutes later she joined him for dinner and the dessert was her favorite chocolate covered strawberries. She ate them while he gave her a neck & back massage. He also massaged her feet because she was always in heels. 

When they went into the bedroom he went to kiss her and slid his hand up her thigh. 

"What are you doing?" She said 

"I'm trying to have sex with my wife. Because we haven't had sex in months." He said 

"Bucky I'm really tired." She said 

He got out of the bed, grabbed pillow and his phone. 

"Where are you going?" She said 

"That's always your excuse Shayla. It's either I'm to tired or I'm leaving. Or I need to sleep cause I have a red eye flight. I knew you working for that man was a bad idea but you didn't listen to me." He said as he walked out. 

He went and slept in his home office. The next morning he didn't even bother going by the bakery he just went straight to work. He was slamming every door he came in contact with. 

Luke and the guys was standing in the hall discussing a meeting they had scheduled that morning. When Bucky came down the hall and didn't even acknowledge them. He slammed his office door and locked it. He sat against it and fought back tears. 

He finally reeled it all in and stood up as he unlocked the door. 

"Susan will you get me a coffee please." He said to his secretary. 

"Yes sir." She said 

The guys came into his office. "Who pissed in your Cheerios?" Malcolm said 

"Don't..I am in no mood." He said 

"What happened between now and Saturday night?" Jiovanni said 

"I took your advice..and it didn't get me no where. Everything was going great till we went to bed and tried to put the moves on her. She rejected me again..so I slept in my home office. And she had the gal to ask me why I was leaving the bedroom like she didn't know why I was pissed." He said 

"Oh wow..I didn't know it was that bad." Jio said 

"Here's your coffee sir." Susan said as she came in. 

"Thank you Susan." He said as he took it from her. 

After she shut the door back. "I feel like he's turned her against me." He said as he looked to Lucas. 

"I don't think he would do something like that." Steve said 

Bucky looked down. "We should get ready for the meeting." He said 

While all the others left Lucas stayed. "You don't think that do you?" Lucas said 

Bucky sat down in his chair and ran his hands over his face then through his hair. 

"I don't know Luke. But he would do whatever he could to hurt me. But anyways make sure all the blueprints aren't messed up this time." Bucky said 

"Okay. Just breathe and think about puppies. Puppies are always my go to cause it's something cute and always brings a smile to my face." He said 

Bucky smirked. "Puppies Luke? Really?" Bucky said 

"What it works. Sometimes I even go to the shelter. Kittens work too." He said 

"Go work." Bucky said as he shook his head. 

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