(2) Meet McKenna Taylor Harlow

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Also four years ago

Somewhere else in NY, McKenna Harlow was graduating from Culinary school. Everything in her life was perfect. She and her highschool sweetheart Braylon had been engaged for six months and was about to leave for Boston so he could attend law school. 

A week after her graduation she was starting to pack. When her older brother Gabe called her. 

"Sis, I heard to Brooklyn Med now. It's dad."  Gabe said 

"Dad? What about dad?" She said

"Coby called he said dad collapsed and was gasping for air." Gabe said 

"I'll meet you there. Gracie in school." She said 

"Yeah she is." Gabe said 

McKenna hung up the phone and bolted. She met Gabe and her sister in law who was 6 months pregnant. Gabe was pacing while McKenna bounced her legs and chewed her lip. 

"I'm looking for Mr Bryant Harlow's family." A doctor said 

"That's us. It's just me and my sister and my wife. I'm his son." Gabe said 

"I wish I had better news. You two need to discuss what your father's wishes were. He suffered a massive stroke. We haven't had any brain activity in the last hour. We have done everything we could Mr Harlow and Ms Harlow." The doctor said 

Mckenna sat down and began to cry. "Um I know what his wishes are. But we have one more person that needs to be here. Our baby sister she's 16. I'm gonna go get her so she can say her goodbyes too."  Gabe said 

"Okay. We will wait." The doctor said 

"Thank you." Gabe said as he tried to hold back the tears. 

"Stay with her darlin. I'll be back." Gabe said to his wife. 

"Okay." She said as she rubbed McKenna's back. 

Forty five minutes later Gabe returned with Gracelynn who had tears. They all four went into the room Bryant was in. They said their goodbyes and told him them how much they loved him. To tell mom hi for them. 

They held hands as they turned off the machines. A few days later the same day as Bucky's wedding was their dad's funeral. 

That Monday Gabe and McKenna met with their dad's lawyer. 

"Okay in the matter of your younger sister. Because she is still considered a minor she is left in the care of McKenna. The bakery is also left to McKenna. The estate is being split three ways the house goes to Gabe. The apartment above the bakery goes to McKenna since she now owns the bakery. Your grandmother's house that your parents took ownership over it says here that you three can decide what to do. So here is all the legal paperwork that shows ownership and guardianship of Gracelynn." The lawyer said 

"Thank you Mr Compton." Gabe said 

They left the office and had lunch as they discussed everything. When McKenna returned to her apartment. 

"So I'm going on to Boston to get the apartment ready. While you deal with everything when you are done you can come on." Braylon said 

"I can't go." She said 

"What?" He said 

"I'm Gracelynn's legal guardian and I have ownership of the family bakery I can't go." She said 

"Just move Grace with us. She can transferred schools and that bakery can be closed down. You can open a new one." Braylon said 

"Excuse me! No i will not up root my life and my sister's life for you!"  She said 

"We have already put in our notice Kenna and I put a deposit down on the new place! This has been our plan!" Braylon said 

"Well I'm sorry that my dad dying was such inconvenience for you! But I'm not going to Boston my family needs me here! So here take this back and go to Boston without me. Have a nice life Bray." She said as she threw her ring at him and opened the door for him. 

"Whatever McKenna." Braylon said and walked out. 

Gracelynn and McKenna moved into the apartment above the bakery. She gave her sister the bedroom and she slept on the pull out couch Gabe gave them that was at their dad's house. 

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