(14) The Unraveling

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Three days later 

Bucky was standing in his office just staring out his big glass window. It was snowing in NY as cars drove by. His two stepbrothers and Lucas came into the office. 

"Hey James, you alright?" Jio said 

"Oh hey guys.." he said as he turned around and walked towards his desk. 

"We have been trying to check on you the last few days but there was no answer at the penthouse. And your door man said he hasn't seen you." Lucas said 

"That's because I've been staying at McKenna's." He said as he sat down. 

"So Marcelo's flight from London lands at 2PM. Me and Malcolm will pick him up. So where do you want to meet? The penthouse? Mine and Malcolm's place? Here or McKenna's" Jio said 

"Not McKenna's. I don't want to drag Mckenna into this." He said 

"Drag me into what?" McKenna said as she came in. 

She had brought him lunch from his favorite Italian place in Brooklyn. She was in the city to go to her eye appointment and to get her birth control pills. He took his food from her and kissed her. The three men were shocked by the kiss as they looked at each other. 

"You don't want to drag me into what James?" She said 

"Our brother Marcelo have more info on Shayla's infidelity. We were just discussing where to meet." Malcolm said 

"Oh, well if you need to use my apartment you can. Nobody is allowed up there but me or my little sis-." She said but was cut off.

"No Mckenna. I just said no I don't want you dragged into it." Bucky snapped

McKenna swallowed hard and looked at her phone. "I'm gonna go so I'm not late." She said 

She walked out, "Dude we know you are stressed and ball of emotions right now. But snapping at her wasn't the way to be." Lucas said 

Bucky looked down as he left to catch up to her. He found her waiting at the elevator. 

"Kenna baby. I'm not trying to be a dick. I just don't want you dragged in there is no telling what they have found. I know my father he will do anything for a deal. And get involved with the wrong people. So I'm sorry for snapping." He said 

"I just wanted to be there for you James. But I have to go before I'm late." She said as she stepped into the elevator. 

"McKenna baby don't leave upset." He said 

When the doors closed he sighed. "I'm just trying to protect you." He whispered as he walked away. 

McKenna ignored him the rest of the day. She got her new contacts and birth control before heading home to Brooklyn. The boys all met at Jio and Malcolm's place. Bucky continued to get McKenna to answer him but she just kept leaving his messages on read. 

"Okay well let's start with some easier things to digest. Your father has several illegitimate children including an a 19 year old. But there is this with your wife James, a still born baby girl who would have been two this June." Marcelo said 

Bucky read the birth certificate and death certificate. "We were in Seattle. That's when we had our first building go up outside of NY. She never looked or acted pregnant." Bucky said 

"Oh but she was. Here's all of the medical records. According to bank statements there is a lot trips to beach vacations. Not just business trips. It looks like this has been going on for three and half years too." Marcelo said 

"How can you tell that?" Sam said 

"Because this is the first many videos I've found. I was able to get in contact with his security guy and pretended to be a member of the BBB (Better Business Bureau) and was able to obtain a lot of CCTV." Marcelo said 

He press play its James' conference room and Shayla on all fours with James behind her the potential client being sucked off. In the middle of the table as they discussed their business deal. In another video on the same disc was Shayla having sex in the middle of the table with James. She was riding him just like Lucas found them she was riding him like nobody's business and James was enjoying every bit of it. More clips followed of the other office slut and her being bent over the table and the other employees getting their rocks off. 

Marcelo turned it off, he looked at his brothers. "What?" Jio said 

"Just be prepared all of you. This next clip on this disc is very vile." He said 

He pressed play there was all kinds of naked people on the screen in a hotel room and lots of sex noises. 

"That's the Bertoli's and some of my old friends from London." Jiovanni said 

"Well now I know why Xavier and Salvatore quit talking to me at the office." Shannon said 

Bucky walked out on the balcony to get some air. Lucas followed him, "A fucking orgy Luke! My father had my wife turn against me. She gave birth to my sister! Do you know how disgusting that sounds! He was fucking my wife and letting everyone else screw her too.!" Bucky said as he began to pace. 

"I know.." Lucas said 

He gave Bucky a few more minutes to calm down before they went back inside. 

"Sam..tell your sister that we signed a prenup and that Shayla Ann Reynolds isn't getting fucking dime of my money. She isn't getting shit from me! And I want the divorce papers to her like yesterday." Bucky said as he left. 

Once he parked by McKenna's car behind the bakery he had calm down. He let himself in with his key. All the lights were off but Mckenna was awake as she laid in bed. Bucky slipped off his shoes and undid his tie. As she heard him throw his wallet watch phone and keys on the night stand. She sat up as he was unbuttoning his shirt. 

"Is because I'm the mistress?" She said 

"What?" He said confused 

She crawled over to his side of the bed and stood on her knees. "Earlier, is it because I'm the other woman?" She said 

He held her hips after he took off his shirt. "You are not the mistress or the other woman. You are the woman I am falling in love with. The woman that calms me down and keeps me sane. The woman that I love. You are nothing less..I wasn't trying to be an ass I just didn't know what I was about to find out. You should be happy that you weren't there. But right now I need to show you just how much I love you Mckenna Grace." He said as he dropped his pants and boxers. 

After they were done he told her what all was unraveled. It made her want to throw up. 

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