(4) The Day They Met

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Two months later 

Bucky walked into Harlow Bakery like he does every morning to pick up coffee and normally he gets just donuts for himself on his way to work. But they were meeting a potential client and so Sam ordered donuts from the bakery. 

"Hi I'm Makayla can I help you?" Makayla said 

"Yes. A coffee to go and I also have to pick up a donut order. It's under BRW contracting and Engineering." Bucky said 

Charlotte walked by with muffins to put on display. "Good morning Mr Barnes." Charlotte said 

"Good morning Charlotte." He said as Makayla came over with all the coffee Sam ordered and a pink box that said Harlow Bakery on it. 

He opened it up to see the order was all wrong. Instead of just normal glazed donuts they were all colored and sprinkled. 

"Wait, my colleague who placed the order specifically asked for plain glazed donuts." He said 

Charlotte heard him as she continued to put the muffins out. "I have a meeting in an hour! And I needed these for that meeting! And I can't go in there with these!" He snapped 

Charlotte came over with the order form. "Makayla..how could you not ask if they want colors." Charlotte said 

"Charlotte I want to speak to the manager." Bucky said 

Charlotte went to the back as McKenna took off her apron. "I heard him." She said as she walked out. 

Bucky was pacing but had his back to her as she came out. 

"Hi I'm McKenna Harlow the manager/owner. What happened?" She said 

Bucky turned around and felt his heart skipped a beat. McKenna's breathe hitched as she swallowed hard. 

Bucky swallowed hard. "My donuts are wrong. I asked for plain glazed.." he said 

McKenna opened the box and read the order form that Charlotte handed her. 

"Charlotte make sure the coffee is correct. Makayla wait in my office." McKenna said as she picked up the box.

Makayla wiped her face and went to the back. "I'll fix this Mr Barnes." She said as she went to the back. 

She put fresh baked donuts in a new box and came back out. "Everything else correct Charlotte." She said 

"Yes ma'am." Charlotte said 

"It's on the house Mr Barnes. And I promise it won't happen again." She said as she put creamers and sugars in a bag. 

"Thank you Ms Harlow." He said 

She smiled at him. "Welcome. Enjoy the rest of your day Mr Barnes." She said 

But as she was about to go back to deal with Makayla she saw his wedding ring. 

"Enjoy the rest of your day Ms Harlow." He said as he left.

She caught her breathe as she walked into the kitchen. "To bad.." she thought 

"Makayla!" McKenna said 

She came out of the office wiping tears. "Stop crying. Don't ever let that happen again! Do you know who that is? That is Mr Barnes..Barnes around here means something. His family are loyal customers around here. For generations the Barnes have used this bakery. They have their own section in the order book. And you just screwed up the order. You are lucky I had just finished a fresh batch of glazed donuts." She said 

Makayla kept her head down. 

"Charlotte!" McKenna said 

Charlotte came into the kitchen. "Yes ma'am." She said 

"Train her on orders again. Make sure she understands that she needs to ask if the customer wants colors." McKenna said as she went back to making all the breakfast items. 

That night Bucky was alone since Shayla was gone again. Bucky was laying in his bed as he stared at his ceiling. He began to think about McKenna and her gorgeous smile and dimples. 

"Mmm McKenna.." he whispered as he began to jerk. 

Across the street in the apartment above the bakery. McKenna was in the tub as she began to play with herself. As her orgasm came crashing over her she moaned out "James." 

"Who ever she is, is one lucky woman." She thought to herself. 

She turned off the lights after she got out and went to bed. Bucky was able to finish and went to sleep too. 

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