chapter 13

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i heard someone come inside. i opened my eyes slightly and saw scott. did he have bruises on his face!? how? i pretended to sleep and i felt him move my hand onto something. he kept his hand on mine for a few moments before sliding them off. i felt a strange feeling when his hand left mine. i opened my eyes and watched him leave

i sat up and turned on the bedside lamp and saw my book on my bed with a pencil inside it. i smiled when i saw it. this was my most valuable possesion. scott brought it for me. i held it close to my chest. but then it dawned on me.

how did it get it if it my house.

i didnt want to imagine how he got my book. although that would explain the injuries. my heart fell to my stomach. he went through all that trouble just for me. even after i told him to leave. i was so rude to him. im such an idiot. but then he is an idiot too, the reason i was rude to him was to keep him away from my messed up life, but he walked right into it himself.

what is wrong with him.


next day

i got ready for the dinner with kirstie's parents. it sweet she has parents that care so much for her. i heaaded downstairs and said goodbye to my mom before leaving. kirstie's house was not that far from here which was a good thing because last thing i needed was to limp for a long period of time. i knocked on the door and waited for an answer.

"hey scooter!"

"really kirstie... scooter.."

"what? i like it" i shook my head, "come on in" she shut the door behind me and walked me into the living room. her mom following afterwards

"hello scott"


"its ice to finally meet one of my daughters friends, she doesnt usually bring them round even if i insisted."


"what its true, anyways how are you feeling"

"a lot better, just a few pains here and there but i will manage."

"you should be careful, your lucky that you only got minor bruises and cuts, it couldve been worse."

"i know, i will definetely be more careful."

"anyways dinner is about ready, would you help me with the table kirstie. your father should be here soon." kirstie nodded her head and got up. i sat there in silence and watch kirsie go back and forth from the kitchen to the dining area.  i heard a knock on the door and decided to take the courtesy of opening the door. i was assuming this was kirstie's dad.

"and who may you be?" he says, walking in placing his bag on th side and taking his jacket off.

"my name is scott hoying. you're wife invited me over for dinner, i am kirstie's-"

"well it is nice to meet you. i hope you are treating kirstie well." i just smiled, not sure how to respond to that and walked in just in time because everyhing was set and we all sat at the table. i was halfway into my meal and kirstie and her parents hadnt said anything.

"so scott. we need to ask you a few questions before we can allow your relationship with kirstie to go on."

"WHOA DAD! jumping to conclusions much, he is not my boyfriend. we are just friends"

"i thought you invited him because-" kirstie cut her dad off

"no, do you really think i would invite any of my friends here. it was just because mom didnt believe that i went to see my friend at the hospital last night. so she called him over with dinner as an excuse."

"kirstie i-" i began

"no, mom, im taking scott back home, he needs to rest. im going to be a while. excuse me." she got up and left the room. i set down my fork and got up.

"im sorry for being a bother, thank you for inviting, it was honestly lovely meeting you. i'll calm her down."

"its was a pleasure meeting you too, and thank you"  i left and joine kirstie in the car. once i was in she drove down to my house an we both entered my house. i greeted my parents and told them i had a friend over whilst they watched t.v. i followed kirstie up into my room and she sat on my bed.

"you alright"

"yeah, i just dont want to be there right now, it doesnt bother you if i stay for a whiler right?"

"no, no, it absolutely fine."

"do you want to do anything."

"not really, we could talk about something, i just really need to get my mind off things, now can you expain what we are going to do with all of avi's things."

"he is going to stay with me."

"good luck getting him to do that. remember he is the one who told you to stay away from him"

"i know, but i just cant leave him in that house. not now, not ever."

"how are you going to explain to your parents, arent they going to flip"

"no, they arent like that, they trust me... as long as i tell them the truth."

"scott! come down here!" my mom called.

"i'll be right back." kirstie nodded and i headed out, the closer i got to the living room, the more i cold hear the conversations in the living room, did i do something wrong. i entered the room and stopped dead in my tracks.

"hey scott, it your friend avriel" my eyes widened. what was he doing here.

"hey avi. mom we'll be upstairs." 'i leaded the way upstairs and into my room, kirstie's eyes widened when she saw avi, and she gave me a glance and then looked back at avi.

"whoa! you feeling better, why didnt you call one of us we would've came to pick you up."

"its fine, kinda wanted to surprise you. i only bought chocolates to thank you. i'll be going soon anyways. "

"errrmm, about that, your book isnt the only thing i got from there"

"what do you mean.

"he brought your stuff too, you are staying here with him" kirstie blurted.

"WHAT! i cant stay here."

"you cant stay there,"

"and who are you to decide that! who are you to me. no you cant keep me here against my will"

"avi, i wont keep you here against your will, nor will i let you go back to that place, are you even listening to yourself. you'd rather risk your life rather than stay safe."

"i dont want to be here."

"why not! have i done something to hurt you? because if i have please just tell me. i will let you walk right through that door. but if you go back to that man, i will be compelled to call the police."

"i can call the police for breaking into my house and stealing my things."

"avi. its not exactly stealing if im giving it back."

"avi, this is the best option for you, do you really want to be in the hospital every other week." kirstie tried to make him understand.

"you cant make me stay here." he says

"but why wont you stay. why do you want to go back to that place. you are safe here, i promise."

"you cant promise me safety. not when..." he stopped mid sentence. "fine i'll stay. i'll be in the bathroom" i sighed in relief, it was harder than i thought.

"well, i guess thats my cue to leave, good luck." i nodded and she left.




i have another book pending. so as im writing the chapter to this book and my sequel to stuck in the middle i am also writing loads of drafts to the story i havent published yet. i will dedicate the first chapter to the person who can guess what ship it is.

okay have a nice day or night

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