chapter 20

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I got home and got changed. I put on my best smelling cologne and fixed my hair. I was excited to see avi, especially after today. I received a message and ran to get my phone. I was slightl disappointed when I saw it wasn't avi but kirstie.

k- hey, wanna meet up, I haven't got anything to do right now.

s- sorry, I'm going to mitch's house, maybe another time. im just waiting on his message.

k- why don't you just come over until you get his message or something... you know what forget it, im coming over.

i sighed and chucked my phone onto my bed. i wonder what was taking him so long. it doesn't take time to send me a quick message. i felt slightly anxious but distracted myself by sorting some things out in my room. i heard a knock on the door and i heard my mom open it. i expected kirstie to come up but no one did. maybe it was just the neighbour or maybe its just my dad back from work.

I received a message from kirstie again.

k- can you come to the park, its an emergency!!

that text message made my heart sink. I didn't bother replying and headed straight out. I was at the park gates in under 5 minutes. I ran in and looked around for any signs of kirstie, I look about before noticing a figure standing behind a tree. kirstie.

I ran towards her and stopped, my legs falling weak and hitting on the ground. I couldn't breathe.

"..a-avi!" my voice was shaky, my hands shook as I brought it closer to him. he grabbed my hand weakly and pushed it away.

"do not touch me. kirstie why did you tell him to come here?"

"you were hurt, I didn't know what to do"

"im fine. just a couple of bruises." he tried to stand up but it was difficult for him, I reached out to help him, tears threatening to spill. he put his hand up rejecting my geasture. "don't! I don't want you here, I don't need you here. this all happened because of you anyways..." 

"av-" I began

"kirstie, can you take me home."

"you need to go to the hospital, I doubt its just a few bruises"

"no what I need is to go home."

"fine, cars just round the corner." he began limping his way so the car.

"kirstie, please take him to the doctors." I pleaded tears staining my cheeks. she nodded in response. she ran after avi and helped him to the car. I watched as they left.

the air started getting colder and the sky was getting darker. it started to pour with rain, as if on cue. I went and sat on a nearby bench soon I was drenched in rain and my hair came over my face. my face was wet, you couldn't tell what was tears and what was rain. I shut my eyes and fisted my hands in my hair. I didn't know if I was angry or upset. I just felt empty. it felt like the one person I truly cared about had just left me and went so far that I couldn't reach him even if I wanted to. it hurt me. It was tearing me apart. I took a deep breath, stood up and walked out of the park.




omg omg omg, I just had this sudden idea. and this might be the end. either this or the next chapter. but im pretty sure this is it.

DONT WORRY! there will be a sequel. I would make nooo sense if I just left it there.

I'm starting to not like the title. it doesn't suit/match but then i will have to change the whole book cover. oh well. sorry for a short chapter.  I was gonna do an avi's pov but I though nah, no point. :)))

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