chapter 2

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i woke up in a unknown room. with my head hurting slightly. i stay still for a bit, not knowing what to do, since it was definetely not my house and i dont know if the owner is here. how did i even get here again.

i was startled when i heard the door knob being opened, i quickly went under the blanket, keeping a still as possible. i heard something be placed beside me.

"poor boy, still hasnt woken up. i guess he hit his head pretty hard" i soft woman's voice spoke. "the doctor did say he has anxiety, apparently he knows the patient" was she talking to someone?

"did you bring the boy some water dear?" a mans voice spoke now.

"oh dear no! i must have forgotten." she chuckled

"dont worry, i'll go get it" there was some shuffling noises and the door unlocked and shut again. it was starting to get hard to breathe under these thick blankets, so i slowly moved them off my face, making it look like i just woke up.

"oh your awake." a woman with a very lovely smile, smiled at me, and at that moment a man came inside the room holding a glass water in his hand, im guessing was her husband. he handed me the glass of water, i took a sip of it and held it in my hand as hey watched.

"how are you feeling now?" the man asked

"much better, sir" i said with ease, i dont know, but i feel so comfortable talking to them, they seem very nice and welcoming. "just a slight headache"

"you have been here for quie some time, do you want me to ring your parents. let them know where you are?"

"no! i mean,,, its fine, i'll explain when i get home."

"i'll drop you home in a bit. in the mean time you finish your water." he said and i nodded my head. "come on dear, grab his things." the lay and the man both left the room, leaving me in the quite room alone. i dont know why but i prefered their presence. i dont want to leave. i feel like this is my home. that sound really wierd, i dont even know why i am so attreacted to this house, the atmosphere seems so peacefu and yet so happy. why cant everything be like this.

i finished my drink and placed it on the the desk. i grabbed my shoes and started putting it on.

*** pov

i crept upstairs and towards my bedroom door. it was very cold outside, but the warmth of my new house made everything alright. i opened my door and there was someone sitting on my bed. they were about to look up but before they notced me i shut the door. who was that and what were they doing in my room.

i rushed downstairs and went into the kitchen where my mother was standing.

"mom, there is someone in my room?"

"dont worry honey, i'll explain later."

"but mom, thats my room, my private things are in there, i dont need some random guy, going through my things"

"im sure he wont go through your stuff. and why are you getting so worked up for, this isnt like you dear."

"i just... i dont want people looking through my stuff. or being anywhere near my stuff."

"dont worry, he will be leaving soon anyways"

"fine, i'll be in the living room until then."

"thats fine, what do you want for dinner"

"anything mom, i dont mind, just no vegetables, i hate it"

"but they are good for you"

"please mom, i dont want them"

"alright" she sighed and carried on with what she was doing, as i went into the kitchen and jumped onto the couch and switching on family guy

i hear footsteps coming down the stairs, followed by another. "honey, we will be off now. be back soon"

"bye dear, bye..."

"avriel" i soft voice spoke. thats a nnice name, reminds me of an angel. i turn around too see the guy is facing away from me, so i cant see his face. too bad, it wouldve been great if an angel-like name matched with and angel-like face, but i guess i will never know. i sighed and turned round back to my show,


i turned to look at the guy who was sitting on the couch but he was watching famiy guy, i wonder what his name is, or how he looks like. i felt a hand on my shoulder which snapped me out of my thoughts.

"ready to go" the man said. i nodded in response and he lead me through the door and into his car. i told him the directions to my house and once we reached i thanke him for the ride and he set off. i waited until he was ot of view before i knocked on the door to my house. i took a shakey breathe as i waited for whats to come.


I laid in my bed. looking up at the ceiling. i dont want to be here, i dont like it here. i hate my life. why does this have to happen to me. i looked at my skin. i was wearing a sleeveless top and black shorts. im so ugly. who would want this. i hate this. i quickly got up and went to my wardrobe, taking out a big sweater and pulling it over myself, i took off my shorts and put on some sweatpants. i folded my arms over my chest and walked back over to my bed, covering myself with the blanket. then a thought came into my head.

what if they saw me like this.





are you enjoying the book so far, dont worry, ill try to make it as interessting as possible. :) anyways, this is different to my oher books, because the setting is in a highschool whoop. back in the fetus days lol. i joke, have you figure out what the ship is for this book. well guess now bc in the next chapter, it will give it away. so yeah.

have a good day/night. :)

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