chapter 9

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scott told me to be with avi, avi told me to be with scott. now im debating on whether i should be with no one and just leave them both alone to think. that would be a better idea. urghh forget it, where is scott. i left the hospital and walked a few paces before i could start to hear sobs. i turned in that direction thinking it was scott but it wasnt. it didnt seem like he was nearby. should i go to avi's house? since i dont know where scott lives, i could ask his parents.

i decided that it was best to ask avi's parent. they dont know me or maybe they do, i have troubled avi a lot, he may have told his parents or maybe he doesnt tell them anything. i got out of my car and looked around, last time i was here was on halloween and we tp'ed his house. so it should be that one. i walk towards the gate and just as i was about to push it open i see scott heading my way. he is going to be mad.

"what are you doing here? why arent you with avi? i told you to stay with him kistie, couldnt you atleast do that?" he said annoyance evidant in his tone

"he told me to be with you, and i had no choice because he put me on the spot saying that it was him i had to make up to and not you" okay maybe he didnt say all of that but there is no harm right.

"urgh fine. whatever. since we are both here we might as well speak to his parents, by the looks of it i dont think they know" i nod my head in agreement and we both walk to the door, scott knocks and waits impatiently or maybe even nervously for someone to answer.

"yowu look nervous"

"yeah well, this is the first time i am meeting his parents and one, he isnt here and second, its to tell them their son is in hospital and third, i dont know if they are going to like me. im talking as if i am in a relationship with avi, god, but i still want to give a good impression."

"i understand"

"why is it taking so much time to open the door" he knocks again, we have to wait a few minutes again before the door swings open. revealing a bearded man wearing a cap. he was holding a empty glass and a cigarette between his lips.

"what" he grumbled, a strong smell of alcohol filled my nose when he spoke. i saw a flash of worry in scotts face as he gulped down his worry and opened his mouth to speak.

"are you avi's dad?" i spoke making it easier for scott. god knows whats going on in his head because i dont like the look of this. the man looked me up and down his lips twitched in a smirk as he blew out a huff of smoke from his cigarette. he adjusted himself and leaned on the door frame facing me. i was startng to feel uncomfortable.

"no, im not that gay boy's father. but unless you are here to set him straight, i might consider it. but if that doesnt work out, there are always other options." he gave me a wink and i gave him a look of disgust. he did not just, this cant be.. he cant be avi's dad, is this what he has to put up with. i looked at scott who was wide eyed in shock. his hand trembling as he shoved them in his pockets.

"we are here to tell you that your son is in the hospital, with lots of bruises and might have to stay their overnight. just so you are informed an dont have to worry about him." scott spoke up with a little confidance.

"does it look like i give a shit about what happens to that faggot. he is a worthless piece of shit and can get shoved under a truck for all i care." he growled looking like he was about to hurt scott, the distance between them was very small.

"im sorry but i thought since he was your son an as a father you should care, saying shit like that about your son just because he is gay doesnt make you all high and mighty, your son is in the hospital and you are not even in the slightest worried. what kind of father are you?" scott snapped, and instead of fear anger was steaming inside him

"let me tell you something. kiddo, every bruise on his body" he waved his hand in front of scott's face "was by my own hands"

"what kind of fucktard are you?" scott shouted, avi's dad swung his fist across scott's face hitting his cheekbones, i screamed in horror as scott fell to the ground.

"dont fucking come to my house and call me a fucktard. now scram" with that he slammed the door shut. i helped scott up who now had a horrible bruise on his cheek. i pulled my hair out my face and walked towards my car. he sat in the passenger side as i got in the drivers seat. a breathed a sigh of relief that we were out of that situation. i drove to my house and got and ice pack for scott. but when i got back he was crying.

"scott" i said softley. he wiped his tears and looked up at me and then at the ice pack, taking it from me and pressing it against his cheek

"thanks." we sat there in silence. i had no idea what to say to comfort him, i, myself, was in shock. that was avi's father. this made me feel twice as guilty for all i have done to him.

"oh god" i felt my cheeks burn with tears. i pulled my hair back with both my hands then let it drop so i could wipe my tears but they kept coming.

"why are you crying" scott asked

"i made his life miserable and then on top of that his father.." i felt the guilt well up in my throat. "i feel so horrible for what ive done to him now." i quickly wipe my tears realising something. "do.. do you think thats why avi go angry, because he didnt want you or anyone to know what happened, what happens to him at home." scott looked at me with a blank face.

"can you meet me at my house tonight, i'll text you my address." he said taking his phone out. "here, put your number in" i put my numbr in his phone and saved it "i'll text you tonight." i nodded my head. he got out the car.

"hey, dont you want a ride."

"no irs cool. my house isnt far from here." i had a feeling he was lying but i thought he mght want to be alone. so i didnt question him. i quickly drove of wanting to be as far away from here as possible. here is no way i was coming back here unless it was necessary.





hope your having a good day.

okay bye :)

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