chapter 3

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i wake up and roll out of bed and looked at myself in the mirror. school. why is school so early in the morning, i take my sleep very seriously. urghh, i look like a mess, then again i always do, i should go make myself look decent today, i dont know why but i have a good feeling about today.

i brush my hair out, realizing i need to get it trimmed. i'll do that after school, and fix it into place, putting my beanie perfetly on top just the way i like it. i grabbed my bag and swung it over my shoulder and crept out of my room. my parents are usually asleep at this time, whch is always a good thing. i dont bother with breakfast and leave the house, closing the door quietly behind me.

i walk at my usual pace to school until i remember i have to help guide the new student that was coming in today, plus i have to go pick up my badge. urrghh, just great. i had to forget. i jogged as fast as i could, but gave up 3/4 of the way.

once i reached school, i rush to the office and grabe a student guides pass and badge. i also collect my new timetable and the studnts timetable so i can hand it over to him when he comes. i rush back to the gates of school and just wait.

minutes pass by and i get uneasy stares from people. i feel very uncomfortable with all the stares im getting and try to hide my face as much as i can. i see a car pull up and stops right in front of the gate. all of sudden i notice a couple of girl crowding round to see the new kid.

i watch as the student comes out of the car, i fix my bag and ready myself. i think of ways to start a conversation, this is harder than i thought it would be, in the background i could here some murmuring and whispering, which i was guessing was from the girls so i ignored it.

"excuse me, are you my guide." i heard some giggles in the back as i looked up, and i still had to look up a bit more until my eyes met with two deep sea blue eyes. jeez how tall is this guy. he had dirty blonde hair that was neatly quiffed, pink lips and he was wearing a black sweater and jeans with white converses.

"yes, i-im your student, i me-mean guide, th-thats your timetable" i handed him the timetable and watched him scan the lessons, a smile crept on his face, why is he smiling.

"so your name is avi" how does he know that, i dont remember mentioning it. "im guessing this is your timetable and that would be mine." he said pointing to the one in my hand. this was not going well. i gave him his and took mine and began walking.

people were starting to crowd round and he, he was just walking high and proud. we entered school and i went straight to my locker. his locker was next to mine since i was his guide. he opened his locker and placed his books inside. i watched as he minded his own business. i saw kirstie and her gang walk in our direction. she shoved me out of the way and fixed her hair as she popped on her gum.

"excuse me, you dont just push people like that." the new student spoke up before kirstie could say anything. he was standing up for me. i stood there awkwardly and watched.

"dont worry, he doesnt mind. right andy"

"i would believe that if you got his name right, but whatever, you were saying." kirstie rolled her eyes and popped on her gum again.

"do you want to hang out with us, im sure i can be a better guide than him, plus maybe afterwards we can go out after school and have some fun"

"im fine with the guide i have now, thank you very much and i am sure im not the one your looking for, trust me."

"im sure you can become what i'm looking for" she twirled her hair.

"anyways, i have things to do, and im sure you do too, so do you mind, i would like to get to class." he looked over to me and began walking over to me. placing a hand on my shoulder.

"you might not want to do that, he's gay and might take it the wrong way" she pointed out, giving me a disgusting look. last thing i needed was the guy i was going to be stuck with for a while, hating me because i was gay.

"oh really?" he looked down at me with a slight smirk on his face. i dont know how im supposed to interpret that, but i feel as if it wasnt a good thing. "thats good to know." i watched kirstie's face, she looked confused, probably wondering why he wasnt reacting negatively, was i. i was used to all he negativety when someone found out i was gay. he removed his hand and smiled at me.

he walked past kirstie and stopped. " guide, can you show me to my class" i snapped out of my thoughts and quickly shut my locker. kirstie gave me a threatening look as i went past. i have a really bad feeling about this. i caught up with him and gave him a quick glance before walking towards my...our first class.

i dont know why but i feel like we have met before or i have seen him somewhere. well there is something about him that was familiar. he seemed like a nice person. but that could change at any time, and trusting people isnt something i would do especially when your in this school in particular.




whoop. wassup! lol i just realised something but nevermind,

i make kirstie look like such a try hard in this chapter omg. i dont know if you guys like the book so far, okay thats all have a good day!

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