chapter 8

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"oh and when you go in, try not to freak out too much" she said with a worried look on her face.

"what do you mean kirstie." she placed her hand on my shoulder and opened the door for me to go in. i looked at her waiting for an answer but i knew i had to get my answer by looking for myself. but i was afraid. what if it was bad.  im overreacting. i walked in and saw avi.

i wasnt overreacting.

i stumbled back and kirstie came and held my arm. he looked horrible. he had a black eye, which explains why he wore the sunglasses. he had a bandage on his arm. was it broken? shit that why he shouted when i held his arm. there were so many bruises and marks on his arm. i was scare that all of this was what i could see, what about the part of his body that is covered. instead of getting better he got worse, how? how did he get that black eye, how did he break his arm. how did he get those bruises.

"i, i cant see him like this." i stuttered, and i walked out of the room and sat on the chairs outside. i ran my fingers through my hair and wiped my tears but they kept on flowing. kirstie came out of the room and knelt in front of me.

"look, scott. i dont know you guys that well. but i think that you should be the first person he sees when he wakes up. you need to be strong for him. she was right i have to do this. no matter how hard it is. i nodded my head and got back up again. i walked back inside and the closer i got to him the faster my heart beated. i turned around to leave but kirstie stopped me. i tried to go but she was so presistant. i wiped my tears again and sat on a chair beside avi's bed. as if on cue avi slowly opened his eyes.


"mh..w-what happene...wh-what is, you, why is she here?"

"relax, relax. i'll explain tha later. just relax, how you feeling."

"broken. but i'll be fine. i-i'm sorry you have to see this."

"why are you saying sorry. none of this is your fault. but.. you are going to tell me how all this happened. if not now then later, if not later then i will make sure i find out."

"why do you care so much about how this happened, it is none of your business. if i get hurt or not why does it matter to you so much. im just your guide. and no, i am not saying im no greatful for what you have done for me, and i thank you. but you need to stop before you get yourself in a mess. and why are you smiling" he was no talking to kirstie who was smiling in the corner "im sorry but you smiling for no reason is confusing and its bothering me."

"im sorry." she replied.

"so you dont consider me your friend?" i asked avi

"no i dont. i am just your guide. i am perfectly fine with being by myself. im used to being by myself. honestly if i just payed attention in class, i would never have ended up being your guide and none of this would be happening to me. scott this is your fault!"

"what are you trying to say"

"i am trying to say that you need to stop caring so much, you need to stay out of my business, you need to stop and just leave me alone!" he placed his hand on his head and took deep breaths.

"fine. if thats what you want. i'll leave you alone. im sorry i caused you so much pain." as soon as i turned around tears fell from my eyes. i left the room and walked as quick as i could, kirstie following behind me.

"scott wait up! scott!"

"please, just be with avi!" i called before exiting the hospital.


im sorry scott, i know i was harsh but i just cant let you find out about what happened. you just cant know about it. none of this was your fault, i didnt mean it. i hope you can forgive me when everything dies down.

"WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT ALL ABOUT!" kirstie entered the room visibly angry.

"what has it got to do with yo-"

"MAYBE BECAUSE I SAW THE LOOK ON HIS FACE AND YOU DIDNT!" she took a deep breath. "he was heartbroken. you didnt see the tears in his eyes, you didnt see how much he was shaking when he left, you didnt see the amount of pain in his eyes. why cant you open your eyes and look at the obvious! your words hurt him! why would you say something like that, you know it wasnt his fault"

"yes because it was yours too! you made my life hell! why do you care all of a sudden"

"i cant tell you everything but lets jus say i noticed a few things and it made me realise a lot of things and now ii am here and i want to help. also i am sorry for everything, i honestly am. i dont know how im going to make it up to you for all the shit i have done but i still want to help"

i thought about it for a bit, was scott atually crying, did i really upset him that much. i thought he would just get annoyed and then forget about it...forget about me... eventually. no one has ever cared so much about me before.

"do you really want to make it up to me"

"yes i really do" she replied

"can you do me a favour and be with scott, make sure he is okay." she was smiling now, "why are you smiling, there is nothing to smile about"

"there is but you dont need to worry about that yet. oh and i cant go, scott told me to be with you."

"im fine being alone, i have gotten used to it. just be with him, please"

"fine" she hesitated at first but eventually left the room. i had a strange feeling in my chest and i wasnt enjoying it. i really hope scott is okay.




whoop dee doo, another chapter.

hope ya liked it bc i sure as hell enjoyed writing it, as always.

oki bye

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