chapter 5

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i laid on my bed, with my book beside me, looking at the ceiling. i didnt like this feeling, i dont know what it is but its messing me up. why did i agree to go with him. what am i going to do in choir, i cant even sing and i know these choir people are so demanding. however there is one thing that keeps bugging me, i have this feeling that i have seen scott somewhere. but i just  dont know or cant remember where.

i rolled onto my belly and opened my book, flicking through the pages until i reach the most recent page. i didnt know what to draw so i just rely on my whatever was on my mind. i stop midway in my drawing and remembered i had started a drawing a couple months back. what was i drawing, i have forgotten already.

i look through my book for the folded up piece of paper but i cant seem to find it. it must have fell out somewhere. i cant even remember what i drew on it, what if it was one of the... and if it is and someone sees it, they will find out.... and i cant have anyone find out. think avi think, it was definetely in the book, i had seen it a couple of days ago.

oh shit.

it might have fallen out when scott snatched my book from me. this cant be happening. this can not be happening.


"how was your day honey?" my mom asked

"it was great, met some lovely people" i said taking a sip from my hot chocolate.

"like who." my dad asked. i turned and face my parents.

"well, they assigned me a guide, to help me get around he isnt that popular in fact he is gay as well, he was very nice to me but at some points i think i did bother him a little too much, that reminds me he is very good at drawing too, oh and a guy came up to me at lunch and asked if we wanted to go choir tomorrow, he was also very nice to me. guide is taking me to choir tomorrow."

"that is very lovely, so you are going to choir tomorrow, its nice to see you taking an interest in clubs already."

"im gonna hit the sack, night mom, night dad"

"night dear"

i went up to my room with the cup in my hand, i placed the cup on the desk beside. avriel. that name hasnt gotten out of my head. im still curious as to who that boy was. i wonder if he comes to my school.

i got up and walked over to my bag, i took out the folded up piece of paper that dropped out, i sat back on my bed and held the piece of paper in my hand. just as i was about to unfold it my mom calls me.

"just a second mom!" i shout back and i continue to unfold the paper.

"scott please come down, just for a second" whenever she says that its never just a second. i sighed and put the paper in the drawer, i'll look at it later. i rush down the stairs and see what my mom wants.

 next day

i was waiting outside the gate for my guide, but he was very late. i waited for a bit until i felt a tap on my shoulder, a smile crept on my face as i turned round.

"guide!...oh" i say my voice fading out at the end.

"hey scott, hows it going?" it was kirstie, the girl that wont leave me alone, and bothers wait.. if she is here and avi isnt....oh no...something is wrong. "where is is he so socially awkward that he left you standing here alone. well dont worry, i can take you round, just show me your timet-" she reached to place her hand on my shoulder, leaning in to see me timetable. i shrugged her off and moved away from her.

"can you not! i need to go." and without listening to another word she had to say i turned and walked away. i went to the first person i saw and asked if they had seen avi, but they said no, the next coupe of people i asked also hadnt seen him. i was starting to get really worried.

so far i have only asked people, i havent actually looked, i looked round to see where he would most likely be, for avi that would be the place where there isnt people around, i looked round and saw a tree and a bench, and no one around it. perfect.

i ran as fast as i could in that direction, when i reached i looked round but avi was no where to be seen. i sat on the bench and tried to think where he woud be when i heard some muffled groans in the distance. it sounded like it came from the garbage area. i ran towards it and saw avi sprawled on the ground and a dented garbage bin. i kneeled beside avi who had bruises all over his face, i ripped his sweater off and pulled his t-shirt up revealing some more bruises on his arm and his stomach. some of them seemed like the were there for a long time. a muffled sob distracted me from my thoughts. i wiped the tear that i didnt realise was falling.

"guide!" he turned his head away from me. "we have to go to the nurses office. c'mon" he let out a groan. i helped him up "well.. you're the guide! where do i have to go?!" he smiled slightly at my question, making me smile in return, even thugh it wasnt a proper smile, it still looked beautiful.

we had reached the nurses office and she sat him down, i watched as he winced in pain as the nurse cleaned up his wounds. a sudden wave of anger hit me.


"hmm" he replied.

"who did this.


"just tell me" i replied in a stern voice.

"some boys...james and a couple of his friends, scott your not going to do anything silly right. it only your second day here, last thing yo need is to be excluded."

"he's right honey, dont be doing anything silly" the nurse spoke. i clenched me hands

"dont worry, i long as we're in school nothing will happen."

"good." she replied, and avi let out a sigh of relief.

as long as we're in school.




guys i know i just started this fanfic, but im thinking of starting another one. idk.


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