chapter 15

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i woke up  quite early, and got ready as quietly as possible. i got my bag ready for school and headed downstairs. i dont usually wake up early but i woke up this morning and didnt feel like going back to bed. it was quiet and everyone was still asleep and i was over here having my breakfast. the quietness was actually really nice. you get to think without having yor parent getting all up in your business. parents need to chill, especially mom. she can be really annoying sometimes. on the brght side i was getting a lot better, at least im not limping anymore. that was quite the struggle.

by now everyone was downstairs and having their breakfast, going around getting ready for work and their usual daily routine. avi came downstairs and had a glass of orange. he said he didnt feel like having much. he didnt say much on the way to school, we just walked in silence. i didnt like it. yeah he didnt say much before but it was fun to annoy him to a point where he had to say something. but now there is just nothing to say.

that needs to change.

"you are still my guide right?" i asked

"im sure you know your way by now." he replies.

"would i still get to hang out with you even if i say yes." he looks at me but doesnt say anything and carriees on walking. "so is that a yes."

"i dont know, plus i doubt you'd even leave me alone if i did say no" he opens his locker and i lean on mine whilst he gets his stuff.

"you know me too well" i reply. when he shuts the door he rolls his eyes at me and heads to class. i follow after him and place my arm on his shoulder as he walked. he quickly took notice and shrugged it off.

"you cant do that." he snapped

"why not?"

"have you forgotten. we are two gays hanging out. you cant just simply do that in this school."

"oh so we are hanging out. plus i dont care what people say. i thought we went over that"

"well i clearly do. and i dont want to get beaten up again or drag anyone else into my problems." he breathes out and then walks into the classroom, we were the first to enter. he goes and sits in his normal seat in the back and i sit in the seat next to his.

"i dont understand why you bother so much with what people say. its not like they are going to do you any favors in the future, not everyone is going to like you."

"but i dont want to increase that number either." he sighed and got his books out indicating he was done with the conversation. at least a conversation was better than nothing. we sat there in silence and a few people started coming in. kirstie was one of them and grabbed a chair, taking a seat in front of us.

"why do you both look upset? did you guys fight?" she says as soon as she sees our faces. avi just opens his book and starts writing in it. i simply shrug at her not knowing what to say. i dont want to say anything that will upset avi.

after class i took avi to choir class, i had signed us up for it since it was quite fun last time. kirstie even joined us, well only because i beggged her to. as soon as we entered we saw mitch who started smiling as soon as he saw us.

"scott! avi!" he called and jogged to us. he stopped as soon as he saw kirstie "whoa...and friend."

"mitchell" kirstie says

"kirstie" he replies. kirstie walks off and takes a seat. "okay who invited the witch" he says as soon as she couldnt hear

"me. why is that a problem" i say

"yeah, i try to avoid her. long story, long...awkward story....really awkward actually" he says with an uncomfortable look on his face.

"whats the story." i asked.

"they used to date.." avi blurted.

"no way!" i gasped

"can we not talk about this.. we are here to sing. so... LETS SING!" he cheers and everyone else starts to cheer with him and clap.

"erm, except for me, i just play" a distant voice speaks out. " hi, my name is kevin. i dont think i have seen you before. or you may not have met me... i was sick for the past week. nice to meet you"  this guy was extremely polite. i really iked him. i shook his hand

"my name is scott. im fairly new in this school"

"ahhh, i have heard about you. good to finally meet you then"

"so what do you play?"

"i play piano, in this occasion, but i mainly play cello and i beatbox a little. but playing the cello is like my main instrument. i love playing my cello"

"thats amazing."

"what about you, avi.. what brings you here. i thought you didnt like performing"

"i dont. i am or was his guide and he wanted me to take him to choir, so i brought him. thats all"

"well you know my rule. and if you dont know then let me tell you now.. anyone who is in this room has to perform. oh and you cant leave until you do" kevin says in a jokingly yet serious tone.

"i cant. i w-wont, no"

"come on avi. i wanna hear you" i pleaded

"i cant. and i wont." he said sternly

"if kirstie does it, will you." i asked. "kirstie, can you perform"

"i dont want to..." she replies

"please, avi will only do it if you do"

"i never said that." he snapped.

"urgh whatever, fine. get it over with." she got up on stage and we all sat down and watched her perform 'i was here by beyonce' and she sounded amazing. im surrounded with talented people and i dont even know it. i wonder how avi will sound.





long time no seee.

im on easter holidays,  i think its called spring break in america. so i should have more time to update. actually that may not be true.... damn, no freedom even when you should be relaxing.

hope you enoyed this chapter

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