Holy Water

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I slowly lifted Emma's body into my arms, ignoring the lack of warmth and pulse. She was light, lighter then she should be. She felt broken, bones not in the right place, bruises and lumps on her arms and legs. I tried not to look down at her in my arms, because everytime I did I would remember she wasn't alive. She wasn't going to wake up and nuzzle into my chest. She wasn't going to snore. I took a deep breath, forcing myself to begin walking. This had to work. It had to. If it didn't......

Scott sniffled next to me as we walked, the air silent around us. The only sounds were the leaves crunching under our feet, and the ocassional cry or sniffle. The air was tense in anticapation as we walked further and further. I hadn't really been to that lake since my mother died. She and my dad used to take me there as a child where we would have picnics and swim all day. My mother would chase me through the water, me giggiling frantically. Then after a long day, we would ride home, me falling asleep before we got home. Those were some of my favorite memories of her. That is why I hadn't been to the lake. It was all too much for me to take in. Too many painful memories.

"If that women is still in the woods, I'm going to kill her" Derek muttered, his voice low and menacing. I looked over at Argent, trying to see his reaction through the dark shawdow that engulfed us. Argent glanced down at Emma, who lay still in my arms, before nodding and turning back fowards. Allison sniffled, clinging onto her fathers arm. You knew you were a bad person if Argent would let a were wolf kill you. And that is exactly what Emma's mother was. A bad person. A bitch. A monster. She came back acting like she wanted to make things better. I had thought Emma was being silly for not trusting her. And the one moment Emma did trust her, her mother shot her. The shock on Emma's face when she was hit with the bullet flashed through my mind, making me sick.

"I never got to say thank you" Scott mumbled, sticking his hands in his pockets. I looked towards him, my head cocked in confusion. "I never got to thank her for teaching me and keeping me out of trouble. For protecting me from myself. And for being my friend. The whole reason she was captured was because I got shot" Scott sniffled, kicking a pebble on the ground. "I never got to thank her for that" Scott muttered, shaking his head at the ground.

"Well you can thank her after we get her back to normal" I responded. It had to work. It would work. I refused to believe differently. If it worked when she was a kid, why wouldn't it work now? I looked to the side to see Derek shaking his head.

"Stiles-" he started. I stopped in my tracks as the lake came into view. It was large, the water black in the night. The only light was the reflection of the moon on the water, shimmering with the water. I allowed myself to glance down at her once alive face before taking another step forward. I took another glance down at the white dress she had been wearing that was covered in blood. This was going to work. I lead the way, the others close behind me. I kept walking until I was at the shore. The others stood in a line next to me, silents.

I stared at the small waves that washed onto the shore. The water was going to be cold but I suppose that doesn't matter. I took another deep breath before finally I made my move. I kicked off my shoes, stepping into the water. I nearly yelped at how cold it was, but I didn't. I kept myself focused on the task ahead. Another step as the water went up to my shin. I walked further and further, the water slapping against my suit. Finally I was up to my waist. I lowered Emma into the water, her blonde hair and dress expanding in the water, cascading out. Her white dress stood out against the dark water.

"Stiles you have to get out of the water" Scott remaineded me. I took one last glance at her, laying still in the water before backing up. I turned around, dragging my legs through the water as I treaded towards shore. I jumped out, my pants clinging against my legs. I turned around, standing next to Scott, my gaze landing on the body that floated in the lake.

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