Chaper 12

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Chapter 12:

She wasn't sure what she became aware of first; the rocking and jolting of the ground beneath her, the sounds of a moving train and the gushing of the wind, the warmth that covered her like a blanket or the comforting and intoxicating spicey scent of Remy.
Rogue gave a small groan as consciousness sunk back in. Apart from feeling very groggy and disorientated, she realised she was fine. She wasn't tied up and no body parts hurt. As her awareness increased, she heard the familiar sound of a certain Cajun singing under his breath, not too far away:

"Who will buy
This wonderful mornin'?
Such a sky,
You ever did see.
Who will tie,
It up wit' a ribbon
And put it in a box for me?"
She allowed her eyes to open a little and raised her head slightly so she could look around. She was obviously in a storage carriage on a train as there where a lot of crates and boxes around. A brown leather trench coat covered her and she recognised it to be Remy's.

Letting her eyes wander to her side, she came face to face with his leg. Lifting her gaze through her hair, she saw him sitting on a crate just next to her. In front of him was a larger then life look of concentration on his face, she figured he was playing solitare or some other single player card game. His lips moved very slightly as he continued to sing while picking up cards and placing them down. It wasn't the familiar, playful singing that was intentionaly made to sound silly like that which she usually heard from Head Remy. It was more serious, more natural and it was actually really good. Who'd have thought that Remy was the type to be able to sing well?

"Ya know, ya've got a good voice when you try." Rogue told him, raising her head fully. Her sudden interruption seemed to startle Remy and he stopped his singing abruptly and visibly jumped. Also for a split second, Rogue could've sworn she saw a blush come to his cheeks. However, he regained his cool composure so quickly that she couldn't be sure that it had even been there.

"So you finally decided to wake up, hmm chere?" He grinned down at her, shuffling around so he could faced her. "Remy was beginnin' to wonder if maybe he used too much knock-out gas."
"Whah did ya use it in the first place! Ya could've just asked me to come with ya." Rogue exclaimed in a somewhat drowsy voice, her head lulling back against the stack of crates she was slumped against.
"Ah, now this is where dhe genius of Remy LeBeau shines t'rough." He replied, his tone proud and bragging. "Remy needs your help, but he didn' wan' to get you into more trouble. So, he fixed it so it appears you been kidnapped. Dhe Wolverine will smell dhe remnants of dhe knock-out gas and he'll figure it was a kidnappin'. You get away so you can help Remy and you won' get in trouble when you go back."
"Couldn't ya have warned me first? Ya gave me a heart attack!" She pouted, trying her best to look cute. She may have been slightly drugged up still but she was aware enough to know that this was a good oppotunity for a bit of flirting.
"Part of dhe plan. Dhe Wolverine will pick up on dhe scent of your fear and more dhen likely confirm his suspicions dhat you were kidnapped." He explained. Rogue stared at him for a moment, surprised at the toughness of his plan and actually kind of impressed as well.
"Ya really thought abaht every little detail didn't ya?" She asked him.
"It's dhe little details dhat are usually dhe most importan'. Remy ain' been caugh' yet and he ain' plannin' on breakin' dhat tradition." He told her with a grin, lowering himself down and sitting next to her on the floor. A faint blush tinged Rogue's cheeks as Remy's arm lightly brushed against hers through the barrior of his trench coat. It was then that she suddenly realised that she was still only wearing a thin straped nightdress. That revolation ruined the enjoyment of her closeness to Remy and brought on fear instead. She flinched away from him, partly through habit, which caused him to stare at her in confusion.

"Ah'm only wearin' mah night dress!" She cried out in horror. "How am Ah gonna be able to walk dahn the street withaht being stared at lahke a loon? And what if Ah bump into someone!"
"Don' worry chere. Remy got it covered." He assured her, swivling the top half of his body around and reaching behind the crate they were leaned against. He bought around her neatly folded coat with a pair of her comfortable shoes resting on top.

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