Chapter 19

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Chapter 19:

Numb. Stiff. Weak. All Ah could do was listen. No words could come from mah mahth. No tears would fall from mah ahes. All Ah could do was stand and listen to mah little sister tell me mah dahddy's was now dead.

A car crash. She was in it too. Fahne though. Few cracked ribs. Whiplash. But fahne. Dahddy though...Two crushed legs. Broken ribs. Punctured lung. Fractured skull...Didn't dahe instantly though. Survived the operation to repair his lung. Woke up even. Dahed a day later...
She was there when he went to heaven. Got to say goodbah properly to him...That was a week ago. The funeral's tomorrah. Short notice but Ah don't care. Ah'll be there to say goodbah to mah dahddy, to the first man that cared about mah.

She's run aht'a change. Has to go now. Okay. Bah...Bah...See ya tomorrah?...Yeah, see ya...And then she's gone...And Ah'm alone. The dial tone screams in mah ear but Ah can't move...
Mah name. Next to me...Storm. "Who was on the phone?"
"No one, wrong number." Then Ah'm moving. Reciever replaced, legs moving on their own. Up the stairs, down a corridor. Then another. Another. Another.
Mah room. Alone. Silent. Ah take mah phone aht of mah bag and dial the number Ah know bah heart...
"Ya kay chere?..."
"No...Remy? Can Ah ask you a favour..."

It was a lovely sunny morning. The heat was comfortable and the sky was blue and clear. It was a perfect contrast to Rogue's mood. Rogue saw clouds and shades of grey. Where the bright sun shone, she saw a dull orb's glow faulter. Where flowers loomed with bright colours, she saw them wither to a crinkly brown.

Under the watch of a cheerful sun, Scott's "borrowed" Mercedies pulled up by the gates of a small church in Mississipi. Once it had slowed to a complete stop, the passenger door opened and Rogue stepped out, dressed in black from head to toe. Soon after, the driver's door opened and Remy slid out, his usual brown trench-coat replaced by a sleek black one and a pair of black sunglasses covering his eyes. He thought it was probably for the best not to make it too obvious that he was a mutant in front of a gathering of humans.

It had been a long, and a very hot drive. Rogue had to use her teleportation more than a few times but at least she was there and she had an oppotunity to make peace with her father. Her mother she didn't care about, she just wanted to see her father one last time. Rogue smoothed her hair back and pulled the strap of her bag higher onto her shoulder, more to do something than anything else, as she moved around the car. When she reached Remy's side, she clasped her gloved hand in his.

"Thanks again for comin' with me." She said quietly as they made their way over to the entrance of the church grounds.
"Yo' don' have to t'ank Remy chere. He weren' gon' let yo' go t'rough dhis alone." He replied soothingly.
They fell into an easy silence and carried on slowly to the church. Rogue looked sadly at the other gravestones as they passed them, the whole situation feeling oddly surreal. As more of the church came into view, so did the shiney black cars of her father's family and friends.

Her eyes continued roaming the grounds and she suddenly spotted a solitary bench over on her right. A small figure sat on the bench and Rogue instantly knew it had to be her sister. She and Remy altered their course to head over to the bench and when they were a metre or so away, the lone little girl turned around to look at them.

"Marie!" Evelyn gasped happily, leaping from the bench and running the short distance to Rogue and Remy. Rogue got down on one knee and caught her younger sister in a tight bear-hug. "Ah'm so glad ya came." She gushed, pulling away slightly. She looked Rogue over for a second critically before smiling again. "Ah lahke your hair."
Rogue looked at her little sister and noted the cute navy blue, long sleeved dress she wore with a white lace collar. She also noted that her sister hadn't really changed all that much. She was slightly taller than she was the last time Rogue had seen her but that was about it.

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