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Marinette's Pov
I sleepily rubbed my eyes as I checked my phone. 5:26...It's still early... It won't hurt to go back to sleep, I'm exhausted... I laid back down and cuddled back into the blanket. What did I even do to feel this exhausted? Meh who cares, I have a few more hours... My eyelids fell and my legs made their way to my chest only for my arms to lock around them. Mhmm... why's my bed so... hard? My eyelids shot open. I'M NOT IN BED! I gasped as I turned around to see Adrien soundly asleep. Oh...right, I was assisting Adrien to sort his things out last night... I better get going, I'll come back and wake him up for school. I grabbed my backpack and rushed home. Being careful not to wake my parents, I made my way to my room. My parents work quite alot on a daily basis, I wanted them to rest as much as possible. As quickly as I could I did my usual morning routine and by 6:00 I was technically done. I wrote a note and left it on the table informing my parents that I'm going to get a friend and then head to school. I slipped on my pumps, grabbed my purse and quickly made my way to Adrien's appartment. 'Knock knock' The sound echoed throughout the hallway but there was no response nor sound from beyond the wooden surface. It was obvious that Adrien was still asleep so I slipped the key out of my pocket and into the keyhole. I pushed in the door and approached the blonde... my blonde and gently shook him awake. "Mhmm.... w-what?" Adrien tiredly spoke as he rubbed his eyes in exhaust. "It's time for school. Get up," I removed my palms from his shoulders and walked towards the door. I rolled my eyes as I saw Adrien plop back onto the ground falling back to sleep almost instantly. How was he even a criminal?! He's so adorable! I walked down the stairs and returned to the room with a bucket of water. He's getting up one way or another! My lips formed a smile as I stood above the clueless and innocent teen. My hand moved without permission and sat upon his cheek, he's so peaceful... My smile grew before quickly turning into a grin. The race in my chest wasn't over but my hands were once again obedient. I tightened my grip on the bucket handle and swung it directly infront of the banana's face. The water splashed against the floor, soaking the boys face and almost touching me... almost. He shot up frantically looking around. "W-WHAT?! WHERE-" His eyes landed on me and his facial expression changed almost immediately. I braced against the wall, holding the bucket and grinning. "Time for school, go get ready." He playfully rolled his eyes and made his way to the bathroom, collecting clothing and a towel on the way. I mopped the area where the water splashed and then returned the bucket. About 45 minutes later, Adrien emerged from the bathroom. "C'mon, let's go. It's already 7:00!" He shrugged and we exited the building. "Here!" I handed him a wrapped croissant. "Thanks purrincess!" A quiet giggle escaped my lips, and soon after a light pink tinted my cheeks. "Was that a giggle, purrincess?" I turned my head away not wanting him to recognize my blush. I really didn't want to be teased again... "W-whatever, are here we! I-I mean-" He smirked as his hand gently pulled my face back towards him. Our eyes met, green against blue... My words left, I was frozed... I felt as more blood rushed to my cheeks and as my heart tried to break free from my chest. He didn't move either, we just stood there... lost in each other eyes. I don't know how long we stood there but I did know it was longer than it seemed. The school bell could faintly be heard. Our 'staring competition' came to an end. "C'mon we have to go!" I grabbed his palm, dragging him to class. "We barely made it in time for the final bell. "Phew... that was close, huh?" I smiled, looking over to the teen beside me. "Adrien?" No response. "Adrien!" I waved my hands infront his face. "H-huh?! Oh! I mean yeah, yeah it was..." A nervous giggle left his lips but I didn't question it. School went by slowly but it was soon over. "I wonder where Nino and Alya are..." Adrien stared at his phone. "Nino hasn't texted me..." I smiled reassuringly. "Don't worry, Alya texted me. Nino's ill and Alya decided to stay with him 'till he gets better!" Adrien sighed before immediately smirking. What was that mischievous cat thinking? "That means we have the whole afternoon to ourselves..." I nodded. "Sure does!" We walked out the school yard and made our way to the park. We sat on a bench near the fountain. I laid my head on Adrien's shoulder and I felt as he wrapped an arm around, my waist. "Hey, princess?" I rose my head slightly to see his facial expression. It wasn't very serious but not as playful as usual. "Hmm?" I rested my head back on his shoulder enjoying the gust of wind in my pigtails. "We never paid for that apartment, how did the just let me in like that?" I chuckled a bit. "The owners are my father's cousin and her husband, so we got it for free," I smiled knowing what he was thinking. He wanted to know if I paid for it on my own. "Oh, okay then," His grip on my waist loosened and my eyes fluttered close, my ears entertained by nature's singing. We talked a bit and soon it was time to return home. I walked with Adrien to his apartment before heading home myself. The week went by normal... too normal... Nino had gotten better, Alya and I got to hang out and Adrien disposed of everything that was given to him by Hawkmoth's organization... I sneaked a suit and his watch to my room and made sure there was no tracking device. So why am I so worried you may ask? Because they let Adrien go that easily, I know we are being careful but why didn't they check his school or tried something?! They haven't even attempted... something wasn't right. I have an awful feeling that they know about something else... Could they know someone helped him? No... maybe? I mean it's a possibility... What am I thinking?! Of course they do! Adrien was way too afraid or motivated to just do that on his own... There's a possibility that they're unto me... but at least they wouldn't know it's me, right? I'll go check out his old hideout... Maybe I'll get some answers there? Hopefully I will. I made my way to Adrien's old hideout but stopped when I reached close. A black tinted car was parked outside and the door swung open. They wouldn't find anything indicating where he is or who might! I quietly slipped to the side of the house and peeked through the window. The place was a complete mess. Looks like they're having a hard time finding clues... heh. A tall shadowy figure walked towards the door. I turned my head the other direction to see someone emerge from the car. I braced against the side of the building as I listened to their conversation. I couldn't look, if I did there's a chance of being caught. "Sorry sir, still nothing. No fingerprints, no items or clues, nothing..." it was a woman's voice, I think Natalie's? I'm not sure... "Ugh, whatever!" This time it was a male's voice... Hawkmoth's obviously... "I gave you a week! And you found nothing?!" The anger in his voice was evident. The woman muttered an apology, I couldn't fully hear her only the words 'Sorry' and 'disappoint'. "Hmm... let me take a look..." I hear as his footsteps entered the building and soon after returned outside. Man am I glad I went back the night after moving and cleaned the place! The two persons begun to speak again. "No wonder you found nothing, the place was thoroughly checked and any 'clues' had been removed..." he paused for a minute before resuming, "so my suspicion was correct, someone is helping the boy and they're a professional too..." My breath quickened and my legs shook slightly. I was also correct, he was onto me... but it seems as though he doesn't know it's me as yet. Yet... I despised that word at the moment. Sooner or later, I'll slip up and they'll be ready to pounce. "It seems so sir, we tried to track him but all the trackers were offline," the woman's voice...Natalie's voice... sounded like she was about to get shot or stabbed. "What about that... uh... school? Yes, school! He mentioned something about wanting to attend a school, which was it?" The sound of a starting engine blazed through the air affecting me from properly hearing the conversation. I could've still make out most of their words though. "He didn't... sir... hack...records... scho..." I think she said she'll hack the school records? No... Paris have lots of schools that would take forever... I gasped, immediately covering my mouth afterwards. "Yes, do so." Phew... they didn't hear me... Anyways, they'll probably hack the main system, it'll be difficult but I doubt that they won't find a way to do so. In the main system, they just have to type in his name and his school would come up... well that is, if I don't hack their system first... "Let's...Natalie," What are they saying?! I heard a car door open but I didn't hear it close. "Hmm? ...this?...analyse...lab..." Something with a lab? Analyse? Did they find something?! I gulped at the thought, what if something was outside? What if I missed something? "Yes sir," the door locked and I heard as the searchers left the building and the sound of the engine slowly faded away...I wonder what they found... I sat there quietly thinking... I know what I have to do...

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