Memories To Remember

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Adrien's Pov
The concert was amazing, Marinette had to make a cover for Jagged Stone's new album, now I know what Alya meant by 'Marinette has her connections'. Eight and a half months have gone by since I first started to go to school and everything is great. I robbed a few places, live up to my dad's expectations, not getting any criticism, yet again I didn't get any compliments either, but that's fine with me. Nino, Alya, Marinette and I became really good friends. In fact, I became friends with almost everyone in my class. There were so many memories, good ones of course. Marinette is really nice, kind, generous, beautiful, ok...a little bit clumsy, brave and talented. If I had to say everything about her, it might take forever. So, you must probably  know, I have a HUGE crush on her but she doesn't. We're just friends. Or at least that's what she think. I started liking her about three months ago, I even asked Alya if she likes me but no was her response. I smiled as I remembered the good times we had together. Like the time we had to go for a video gaming competition, she gave up her space in the competition so Max can be in it, though it seemed as though she really wanted to be in it, I tried to give her my space but she said go ahead, that she'll be fine. So Max and I won the competition. She was so generous and kind.  Alya and her don't argue much, I guess it was just something about that day... Then there was the time when Kim confessed to Chloe and was rejected. Marinette comforted him even though she was already late for her shift at the bakery. And a girl named Lila, as in liar, came to our school and WOW! That girl can lie. She lies about everything! She even lied to me about her knowing Chat Noir's identity. As if! I AM Chat Noir and if she knew that, if anyone knew that, then she wouldn't be sitting in front of me still alive! I didn't like that girl one bit but Marinette despised like her more than me, Mari didn't like how she lies over everything but she rolled with it, everyone else was oblivious! Marinette was always kind to her and didn't let out her secret and make everyone know about Lila's lies but Mari got angry a day when she lied and said Marinette and her were best friends to the entire class, and Alya looked betrayed. Marinette couldn't take it! But she was calm, on the outside, I could tell that she just wanted to pull her by the hair and toss her out of the school, but she didn't. I still remember her exact words. "Lila, I think you got a little confused, Alya is my best friend, without her I don't know what exactly would have happened with me. I've known her only since the first day of school but... we're super close," she thought for a while before once again speaking, "you're my friend though, and that everyone could know, you may have your..." she thought of the right word,"your differences but that doesn't mean that you aren't my friend, your just not my best friend," she had walked away to find Alya. Lila sat there and just sighed before whispering another lie, "I thought she was my best friend..." Everyone comforted her but she was glad that Marinette  said that they were friends. I knew Mari lied, to not hurt her feelings, she didn't think about Lila being a friend to her. Alya and her were still best friends, after Mari explained everything. About two months after that incident, Lila lies were exposed, ALL of her lies when one of the students from an higher class asked who was Chat Noir under the mask and she couldn't answer, everyone started to ask for more details in other lies she told and... well, she couldn't answer. That's when Marinette really befriend her, she stopped lying, of course it took a while for everyone to believe she stopped lying but eventually everyone became friends with her, and she told the truth.  But the thing is she lied about Mari the most before she actually stopped lying  and Mari forgave her that quickly, and thanks to her, Lila doesn't  lie and Lila has friends again. Marinette  helped literally EVERYONE in our class, she's friends with everyone! I just love that girl. Alya ships myself and Marinette,  she calls it Adrienette. I kinda like it. Marinette is relieved that she stopped shipping her with ALMOST all the boys in her class. But...she still doesn't like the idea of being shipped with a 'friend'. Yep, I've been friend zoned. She doesn't always call me friend, like a time when Rose said she and me would make a cute couple, Mari said, no way, we don't  even like each other like that! Ok, I didn't tell her so what?! She helped Alex fix her watch (some weird looking watch that her father gave her for her birthday) when Chloe broke it. And she helped Juleka when something kept happening whenever Juleka had to take a picture, and helped Mylen and Ivan confess to each other and now they're dating.  Right now she's even planning on getting Nino and Alya get together.  She's not going to do anything much but she convinced both Nino and Alya to confess to each other and they're supposed to do so tomorrow, then on their first date she's going to make it purrfect. Of course, I'm helping! Now,  that you think about it, she helped a lot of couples get together, Mylen and Ivan, Alex and Kim, Rose and Prince Ali and now she's helping Alya and Nino. Then they are moments that I cherish the most, the moments we had together. The double date for icecream at Andre's. She thought of it as a way to get Nino and Alya together,  but they refused to go without us, so it was a friendly date, like a play date! Then there was the time when she didn't feel well and I carried her home, because she fainted in class. That day I went to the bakery and stayed the night, was furious but it was worth it, she had looked so beautiful in the moonlight, she wasn't necessarily a graceful sleeper but she did sleep in one position and DIDN'T snore. For some reason she sleeps in a ball like manner. I watched her until I fell asleep on the floor. And there was a time when Alya had a sleep over with us since her mom and sisters were out of town. We played truth or dare and Alya had dared Marinette to kiss me. I was shocked but Mari kissed me on the cheek. I was kinda disappointed but Marinette was smart, Alya never said where to kiss me...I kinda wished she said on the lips... Alya, of course, was more than disappointed, she was a little angry and sad at the same time and we found fun in that. When it was my birthday, Marinette gave me a scarf  at school. My father, hadn't even bothered to get me a birthday present. He was cold, never really showing love towards me, no one knew who my father was. Well, my adoptive father, my real father left me when I was a baby. I hate him! I would kill him if only I knew who he was. My father (adoptive)  never told me who he was, for my own good. Father, always said he loved me, but never really showed it. But what I know for sure is that, I love my father and I love Mari! She even thinks that Chat Noir isn't evil and should be given another chance! Isn't that great?! She sees the good in even Chat Noir aka me!

I was bored when I wrote this chapter, um...I kinda wanted to explain how he fell in love with Marinette, I guess...Anyways, until the next chapter!

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