HAPPY BIRTHDAY! (5k+ Special)

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Marinette's Pov
Beep! Beep! Be- my hand dropped unto the alarm, turning it off. I sat up in bed and let out a yawn. I wonder if maman got through with the hacking... now, I feel bad for going to sleep and leaving her awake... "H-Hey maman, papa!" I lifelessly dragged my exhausted body down the stairs. "Oh, your mother isn't awake as yet! She stayed up pretty late last night. I think you know why..." I nodded and sat down for breakfast. Afterward, I continued with my usual morning routine and left for school, maman still asleep. I smiled, I really appreciate her assisting me... She really is amazing! Though, I do feel slightly bad for dumping all of this on her and getting her involved... I shook my head to get rid of such thoughts. Nothing bad will happen to her, and this will all be over soon so I can get back to a normal life, and Adrien will be able to enjoy that too... I walked into the school gate to be greeted by my bestie, Alya. We greeted one another and begun a conversation. Time passed and the bell rang, the teacher entered and begun the lecture. I smiled... I enjoyed this, a normal teenage life... Unconsciously, my thoughts drifted to my blonde boyfriend. I really wanted him to be able to experience this. That's why I refused to forfeit so easily. It's better to try than to give up and never know what the possibilities were... "...rl! Girl! GIRL!" I snapped out of my thoughts, only to feel the aggressive shaking of my best friend and an empty classroom. Was class already done?! "C'mon! We have Biology next! And if you're late you know what'll happen!" I nodded and we made our way to class. Alya asked some questions about my strangle behavior... I didn't want her to get hurt or involved so I lied... I know! I know! Not very nice of me but I want to keep her safe! I sighed and sat down, Alya beside me. I should probably focus to class. The school's bell took his precious time to ring as a signal for class dismissal, but eventually, my wait was cut short, thankfully... Alya and I quickly visited our lockers and rushed out of the school building. "You ready?!" Her eyes sparkled with excitement. "You bet lover girl~" She pouted at my tease before smiling once again. "I hope Adrien can keep him busy long enough for us to do his part!" I nodded. "I'm sure he can! By the way, I got the cake covered. You have the music ready right?" She replied with a thumbs up and our conversation continued as we briskly walked down the pavement and into a club. "Wonderful! Let's start!" Alya nodded and we began to put up the little amount of decorations that sat in the cardboard box. Soon the rest of the class arrived and assisted. After about an hour we sat on some chairs waiting for the two boys to arrive. "I hope he likes it-" Lila interrupted and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Of course he will!" Alya smiled in appreciation. "How did you even manage to rent this place? If my calculations are correct, then the amount of money for 5 hours would be 1000 € !" Max asked. "Uh... Marinette and I used our allowances..." Alya replied. I nervously chuckled. Ping! I glanced at my phone to spot a message from my love~ "Guys, they're outside! Time to get this party started!" Everyone got up and Alya started the music whilst I opened the door for the two boys. Nino entered the building astonished, Adrien following closely behind. "Good job, kitty~" I whispered. "Thanks, purrincess!" He smiled teasingly at me and we joined in on the party. "You're getting better at planning these!" He raised his voice a little so I can hear him over the music. "Thanks but Alya did most of the planning alone..." I paused, pondering on my choice of words, "I was a bit busy last night!" I smiled at him. "Oh! Okay! Wanna grab a drink and then head to the dance floor?!" I nodded. I didn't feel like raising my voice again. We head to the bar where we helped ourselves to a drink. I had a sprite whilst Adrien took a shandy. Afterwards, we join some of our classmates on the dance floor for a while until we were exhausted. Adrien and I sat down waiting for the party to calm down a little. In the meanwhile, we talked and generally enjoyed each other's company. About an hour or two later it was time for gifts, wishes and food. Alya and Nino fed each other the cake first. Then, we gave him our gifts and wishes. And afterwards we ate. After then the party continued for the remaining time until it was time to go home. We all just had a great time and did our own thing. We were happy that Nino liked his birthday party, especially Alya. I got to tease her and Nino a lot but they got to tease me and Adrien a lot too...  Anyways, I was exhausted after helping clean up after the party. I'm glad everyone enjoyed it. When I arrived home it was already dark, so I greeted my parents, participated in my usual night routine, and flopped unto my bed for a good night's rest. 

(Thanks so very much for 5k+ readers! I really appreciate it! I do have an idea of how this is going to go, not a script just an idea. So if you have any ideas or helpful criticism to make this story better, feel free to tell me. Anyways thanks again have a blessed day/night!) 

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