What Isn't She Telling Me?

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Adrien's Pov (I didn't do his pov in a while T-T)

Finally, free... I wonder what Mari's doing... I sighed. I'll see her in school. Still, something seems off, am I really free? It seems too easy... If I didn't know better, I'd say that dad wasn't even trying to catch me! But I do know better, he's going to find any and every clue that leads to me. As they say, 'Never leave a witness behind.' The words slipped through my lips. What am I suppose to do?! I've involved Mari a lot, she might get hurt if I get found- NO! No negativity! Everything will be fine. We've been lucky so far, but from now on, I won't rely on luck! I'm going to make sure no clues or leads as to where I am, are left behind! I'm going to protect my princess! I got her into this, she only wants what's best for me, but she doesn't know fat- I mean... Hawkmoth like I do. He'd slaughter innocent people as long as he gets what he wants... And I won't allow him near my princess. My lips formed a smile and my heart raced. I wonder if she's awake... what am I saying, of course she isn't. Yesterday was big and she probably only had a few hours of rest. Welp, that's why I'm here! I stopped in front the bakery... It was already open, well it's the best bakery in Paris, of course it's open. I pushed the door open and walked behind the counter. "Good morning!" They didn't look at me but they returned my greeting, they both had a lot on their hands at the moment. "I'm going to see Mari, is that okay?" Sabine nodded. "Sure you can! Wake her up for school while you're at it!" I smiled. "Will do!" I walked upstairs, to her room and knocked on the door. "Princess? Are you awake?" No response... Heh, guess I was correct, she's still asleep... I turned the knob and entered the room. I sat next to her, at the edge of the bed and tapped her shoulder. "Princess~ We have school~" She groaned and flipped to face the wall. "C'mon, we'll be late if you don't get up!" Rudely she kicked me off the bed and covered her ears under the pillow. My body collided with the warm material on the floor. "Ow!" I ascended from the cozy rug, to attempt to awake my girlfriend again, but surprisingly she was already awake. "Are you okay?!" I chuckled. Was that all I had to do to wake her up? "Are you sure? You're not hurt right? I'm so so so so sorry!" It's nice when someone worries about you... "I'm fine! C'mon, we have school!" Her eyes widened and she jumped out of bed and pushed me out her room. "Thanks! I'll be done in 20 minutes!" The door slammed in my face and I turned to head downstairs. "Oh! And love you!" I heard the door slam behind me again. I headed downstairs and helped her parents at the register as a way to pass time. About 20 - 25 minutes later Marinette descended the stairway as she checked her bag for something. "Morning maman! Morning papa!" She greeted her parents and they returned it. "C'mon! Let's go, we're going to be late!" She grabbed my hand and poked a croissant in her mouth. "Bye!" I waved to her parents. "Take care of my little girl!" Her dad replied, her mother just waved back as she served the customers. "Okay!" We crossed the road and made it to our lockers. Afterwards, we reunited at the classroom. "Hey princess!" She smiled as she made her way to her seat. The first bell rang and we got ready for class. After the second bell, the teacher entered the class and begun class. School was soon over and we all left the room. Nino and I made our way outside after visiting our lockers. Alya and Marinette were waiting for us outside. Alya and Nino had a date, and Marinette wanted to talk about something...privately. I hope everything's okay... Alya and Nino left and Marinette and I went to her room. "What's wrong, princess?" She faintly smiled at me and patted a spot next to her on the bed. "I..." she looked away, thinking. "It's okay, take your time!" She nodded and took a deep breath. "I... I know more about Hawkmoth's organization than you tell me..." She trailed off. What does she mean? How does she know? "I've actually been extremely careful so that Hawkmoth wouldn't find you...or me." Why would she be so worried about herself? I mean, she seems as though she's not telling me something... I shouldn't force her, she'll tell me when she's ready! "A-Anyways, I wasn't careful enough at getting rid of the clues and I left a bead behind, the one from my friendship bracelet. I made those beads and one of them had my logo on it. Unfortunately, the bead that I left behind-" I cut her off, "was the same one with the logo!" She looked down on the floor and slightly nodded. "I-I'm sorry! I got back the bead but I'm pretty sure they already found the logo, however, I don't think the had checked for fingerprints as yet! This is all my fault! I'm so sorry, Adrien!" What should I do? I need to comfort her... "It's fine, princess..." Well, that explains why it took them so long to figure anything out. "Thanks kitty, but now we'll have to leave here for a while, if we don't want those around use to get hurt," she looked at me, sadness devouring her bluebell eyes. "Okay then! We can go stay somewhere out of Paris. We'll cut ties with everyone and everything, until it's all over!" She nodded, "Well, you should call Nino and you two should start packing. I'm going to tell my parents, mostly maman." I stared at her confused and she gave me a reassuring smile. I nodded and made my way downstairs and out the door. I called Nino as soon as possible and informed him. Afterwards, we both began to pack the necessities. I wonder though... What's up with my princess? What is she not telling me?

(Quick question: Should Marinette tell Alya what's going on and train her? Or should she just leave Alya out of this?)

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